Welcome Hotel Kochi in Kochi

JapanWelcome Hotel Kochi


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1-chōme-8-25 Ōtesuji, Kochi, 780-0842, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 88-823-3555
webseite: welcomehotel.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.5617636, Longitude: 133.5400259

kommentare 5

  • Andrew Olson

    Andrew Olson


    It’s in a convenient location, but it’s old. Rooms are small (even for Japan). Included breakfast was the highlight. Staff are nice.

  • Daniel Brooks

    Daniel Brooks


    The rooms are small but the service was great. They have some decent road bikes that you can rent for 500 yen in a day. It's a breakfast buffet but definitely don't expect much from it.

  • Nique Turner

    Nique Turner


    Terrible! I stayed here with my husband and our two small children. This hotel allows smoking inside! They even sell cigarettes in the lobby and the ashtray is right next to the entrance. The hallway reeked of smoke and I could smell smoke inside my room! The beds are rock hard, the walls and bathroom floor were dirty, the lamp shade was dirty and broken, bottom of the tub was peeling. The location is nice, they give you a complimentary drink at check in, and there’s a free breakfast buffet. Those three things are the only reason I’m leaving two stars instead of zero!

  • Kolitha Perera

    Kolitha Perera


    Excellent foods. Friendly staff. Good place to stay at kochi. Very clean and neat rooms.

  • Felix Holmström

    Felix Holmström


    Really helpful staff. My travel companion was really glad that the staff member that had us check-in knew really good English. Our room had a large and comfortable separate beds.

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