Sano Hospital en Asahikawa

JapónSano Hospital


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3-chōme-1-1-15 Suehiro 3 Jō, Asahikawa, Hokkaido 071-8133, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 166-52-1177
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Latitude: 43.8077692, Longitude: 142.3821241

comentarios 5

  • Umeda yumi

    Umeda yumi


    This is the hospital I have been to before, but this time I am away from Suehiro for some reason. This time, I went to Sano Hospital to get my last medicine, but the female doctor's attitude was...not bothering me at all. (They don't give me much medicine.) I will never go to Sano Hospital again. I had to go to another hospital. I would like to thank the staff at Sano Hospital for their help. I won't go to Sano Hospital next time.

  • 河野暁子



    My husband was feeling unwell and I asked him if he could see me, but since it was break time, I thought I should just ask the doctor about it. I know it's an unreasonable request, but I'm also desperate, so I wonder if they'll take responsibility if I die.

  • 犬夜叉いぬお



    Starting this month, the name of the hospital has changed. I need you to disseminate information online. I looked around. From June 2020 It seems that it has become Asahikawa Memorial Hospital.

  • yuki kato

    yuki kato


    Today (October 2nd) I used this for the first time for a specific diagnosis. After blood sampling and interview, I was told that there was only one doctor there today, so there would be a long wait. Well, after a short wait, I was called and entered the examination room, where I found an old doctor about 80 years old. I confirmed with the nurse next to me that they had taken blood and urine, and told me that the results would not be available right away, so they would send them to me later. There was no general examination such as listening to the heartbeat, and the examination was over without any questions asked. When I told the nurse after coming out, she looked surprised and asked me to wait a moment. I'm back though. It's a shame because the support from everyone other than the doctor was very good. I'm not going anymore.

  • めしにゃんこ



    I have been receiving asthma treatment here for about two years from the vice director, who came back from Tokyo. Before coming here, I had asthma attacks from February to April every year and was on the verge of death, but since being treated by the vice director, I have never had an asthma attack and have been able to live a peaceful life. We have been able to do this. He explains the medical condition in detail, so I can continue my treatment with peace of mind. I think he is the most reliable respiratory specialist in the Nagayama/Suehiro area. The respiratory medicine nurse is also very experienced and kind. I can see that the number of patients has clearly increased compared to two years ago, so I think everyone is coming here because they know he is a great doctor. When I'm not feeling well, they do thorough tests and change my medication. On the other hand, if your condition improves, your medication will be reduced and you won't need to undergo any tests, so it's also attractive that you won't have to pay for regular tests like you would at a medical institution. In my case, since my test results improved a year and a half ago, my daily medical treatment has consisted mainly of auscultation and questioning, and I only do a blood test just to be sure in the spring when my condition worsens. I am truly grateful that the vice director returned to Asahikawa after a thorough examination in Tokyo.

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