三菱UFJ銀行中もず支店 en Sakai




🕗 horarios

3-chōme-428-2 Nakamozuchō, Kita Ward, Sakai, Osaka 591-8023, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 570-018-016
sitio web: www.bk.mufg.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.5540883, Longitude: 135.5102819

comentarios 5

  • Sumi Sakiyama

    Sumi Sakiyama


    I went to set up my daughter's first account, but I didn't know how to set up an account on a mobile phone, etc., so the clerk kindly and carefully taught my daughter everything (*^^*)✨ God♥

  • yoshihito hiranaka

    yoshihito hiranaka


    My main account is at another branch (in front of the station), but this branch has a large parking lot, so I often visit here.

  • 経広悠真



    While I was waiting, they explained everything from downloading the app to registering in detail, which was very helpful ✨ Although it is a little far from my home, I will continue to use it from now on 🙋

  • hapapa84



    I went to change my address, etc., but what if it was an app? attitude like When I told them that I couldn't do it through the app, I went to the TV counter. After waiting for a long time at the TV counter, there seemed to be some procedures that could not be completed there, so I went to the counter. It was past 3pm at this point, but I'm glad they were able to accommodate me. The receptionist at the counter responded with a very annoying attitude. I went to several branches, and among the city banks, it seems like Pikaichi's poor service is not just at this branch, but at UFJ as well... I've been using it since my days at Sanwa Bank, but I wonder if it's ever been a bank with such bad service. ?

  • Tom S.

    Tom S.


    There is a new banknote exchange machine in the ATM corner. Weekdays 9:00-15:00 only. Up to 100,000 yen per day. UFJ cash card required. If the amount exceeds 100,000 yen, you can do it at the counter next door, but it seems that it is only accepted from 9am to 11am on weekdays.

Banco más cercano

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