Kiyo Bank Sakai Branch en Sakai

JapónKiyo Bank Sakai Branch



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒590-0952 Osaka, Sakai, Sakai Ward, Ichinochōhigashi, 1-chōme−1−10 紀陽堺ビル 3F
contactos teléfono: +81 72-221-1212
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.578444, Longitude: 135.474407

comentarios 5

  • あすか



    I went there because it said it was open from 9:00 to 15:00, but the counter was closed as everyone took their lunch break from 11:30 to 12:30. This was the first time I went to a bank where everyone took a lunch break. I needed a passbook, so I went there to create one, but I had to wait for 30 minutes from 12:00, which was a waste of time. I don't have any use for it anymore, so I won't go there unless I have something else to do, but if you do go, please use this as a reference.

  • Troisième Rue

    Troisième Rue


    It was designed by Ando. It's noticeable, but it feels a bit too oppressive. There are curtains on all the windows at all times, so I think it must be very hot.

  • Tokyo Diver

    Tokyo Diver


    This is a bank where you can kindly consult with us about various things. There are many convenient branches within Osaka Prefecture.

  • ゆめの



    A friend of mine used to work at this branch. I was subjected to very, very severe power harassment by the manager at the time, who broke my ribs, made me pay for drinking parties and other things on his behalf, and left me with a debt of 3 million yen. It's the worst. I almost want to give 0 reviews.

  • SR SPあぷりりあ

    SR SPあぷりりあ


    The bank employee Although polite and kind No smoothness You will have to wait quite a while.

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