San'ai Hospital en Saitama

JapónSan'ai Hospital



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4-chōme-35-17 Tajima, Sakura Ward, Saitama, 338-0837, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 48-866-1717
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.8489662, Longitude: 139.6265404

comentarios 5

  • たか



    The reception staff and nurses at the health checkup were kind. The gastrocamera doctor is the worst. Although nurses and office staff are very good at giving guidance, they can only give guidance to people who are in a weaker position, but not doctors. It's been a long time since I've been hospitalized at San-Ai, and it may not be just a rumor that you can't get out.

  • Cutty Sark

    Cutty Sark


    My mother asked me to call 119, so I arrived here and was taken care of. Both the nurses and the emergency medical technicians were kind and carried out the process in a dignified manner. This may be an everyday thing for working people, but it looked cool to me. The doctor who examined me was kind, polite, and easy to understand.

  • Arti Kun

    Arti Kun


    I was rushed to the hospital due to colitis and was hospitalized for over two weeks. The attending doctors and nurses were always sincere and very kind, the food was delicious, and I got the impression that it was a very trustworthy hospital. Everyone's reviews are negative and seem to be personal attacks on specific teachers, but I never had any such unpleasant experiences. What do you all want from a hospital? What is needed is proper diagnosis and treatment, and if it is a lifestyle-related disease, sometimes harsh words are needed, and kindness should take a backseat. Are you expecting too much from the service? I've seen a lot of elderly patients who are actually really bad (they make a lot of noise, make a lot of unnecessary calls to the nurse, and stay in the hospital for a long time because it's cheaper than a nursing home even if they're bedridden?), so it's important to constantly manage them. I thought he was doing a good job under a lot of stress. The only thing I was dissatisfied with was that the Wi-Fi usage fee was 3,000 yen per day (TV and refrigerator were included for some reason). Since I was rushed to the hospital and the number of days I was hospitalized was unknown, I was unable to purchase a mobile router, and at this price, I was at a loss. However, when I complained about this, the nursing director personally went to the hospital room, asked me to make a formal request in writing, and submitted a request for improvement. (I hope the rules will be revised after that...If you are a young patient who needs Wi-Fi, it might be a good idea to ask first and purchase it at the time of admission.) I thought it was great to see that it's not a problem to have a problem, but to seriously face it and try to improve it.

  • Rufa X

    Rufa X


    I visited a urologist. Is the reception as bad as in the reviews? I didn't feel it. The urologist also listened to me carefully and made me feel at ease. However, the waiting time is long. (This is not limited to this hospital, though.) I arrived around 0810 and was the first in the group without an appointment for the outpatient clinic, but I was able to see the doctor around 1030 and finished paying at 1115, so it took about 3 hours. Waiting bulletin board: I was a little concerned that the column for waiting for consultation was not being utilized. Time series below ・We arrived around 0810 and there were already about 8 people in line. ・The entrance opens at 0830, and the line is divided into those with reservations and outpatients (without reservations). ・For outpatients, get a number ticket from the ticket machine next to the reception desk that says "Please take a numbered ticket." ・There seem to be two types: a “calling number” and a “reception number (ticket number)”, and you won’t know which one unless you listen consciously. ・0900 Reception begins, accepting applications in order of numbered tickets ・0916 Consultation form Call number issued Submit the consultation form to the general information desk on the 2nd floor and wait again in front of the examination room. ・0955 You will be guided for a urine test. ・1037 call (examination) ・1109 Accounting information ・1115 Payment completed

  • Tuba Ali

    Tuba Ali


    Being a foreigner, I was a bit hesitant to go there for my knee injury but the staff is good. Maybe a bit slow but it is affordable for the service they provide. The doctor was also friendly even though my Japanese is not that good.

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