San'ai w 豊橋市




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒440-0806 愛知県豊橋市八町通2丁目37
kontakt telefon: +81 532-54-6982
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.7673587, Longitude: 137.3906412

komentarze 5

  • max FD

    max FD


    I ordered pancakes, iced coffee, and hot cocoa. I wanted to try Kokura pancakes, but they were already sold out. The taste of the pancakes was average. Unfortunately, I don't have any photos as photography is prohibited inside the store. There were two parking spaces next to the store. The interior of the store has a retro feel.

  • Love Ayutsumi

    Love Ayutsumi


    There was a dedicated parking lot for two cars, and there was exactly one space available, and there was also one seat in the store, so I was able to enter the store at the right time without having to wait. There are only two table seats inside the restaurant, but it has a calm atmosphere. I ordered pancakes and tea, but it was so popular that by the time I ordered and finished eating, several people couldn't get in and left. The banana pancakes and tea were both very delicious, so I would definitely like to visit again. ※※please note※※ [No photography is allowed inside the store]! After enjoying the atmosphere and enjoying the food you ordered, leave early for the sake of the next person.

  • K F

    K F


    Once was enough Good: Mildly interesting retro cafe with good pancakes and decent coffee. Bad: Overpriced, seats uncomfortable, lingering discouraged and tacky signs forbidding the taking of pictures.

  • あお



    There are only two seats inside the store. When I went on a Thursday at 1pm, there was one seat available. I can't stay long because another customer will come soon. Is coffee no.8 sweet like a lady? It was easy to drink even black, with little sourness or bitterness. I ordered an apple cream pancake. The apple compote is a little hard and buttery? It had a rich flavor. Vanilla ice cream is not too sweet and goes well with warm pancakes. Mont Blanc's pancakes are so popular that they have a subtle chestnut flavor that doesn't feel too strong. I was full after eating it for lunch. Both the master and his wife seemed elegant, but I was concerned that they were a little unfriendly. It's a shame that I couldn't stay long, but I would like to go again.

  • Daniel Devolin

    Daniel Devolin


    An absolute treasure in Toyohashi. So many coffees, teas, and pancakes to chose from. Multiple trips are highly recommended. Pancakes is an understatement for the quality care and art involved in crafting the several flavours and shapes that may be presented before you. Small and very cozy with seating for about 8 adults.

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