Hoshino Coffee w Toyokawa

JaponiaHoshino Coffee



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2-chōme-99-1 Tōmeichō, Toyokawa, Aichi 442-0019, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 533-89-2533
strona internetowej: www.hoshinocoffee.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.833498, Longitude: 137.4084462

komentarze 5

  • いけみにゃあ



    A cafe chain store with a calm atmosphere. Coffee is brewed one cup at a time. There are also machines for home roasting. A shop where you can drink delicious coffee. ----- Mini strawberry pistachio parfait set Hoshino blend coffee Strawberry parfait accented with pistachio ice cream. It went well with coffee. Since it was after a meal, my mouth felt refreshed ♬

  • 菅野文章



    First visit before 2:30 pm on Saturday, July 15, 2023. Hoshino Coffee lemon pie and iced lemon tea drink set ¥830 (tax included) Limited time Strawberry and pistachio double cheesecake with raspberry sorbet and orange juice drink set ¥830 (tax included) It was a hot day, so when I arrived, the restaurant was full and I had to wait about 10 minutes.

  • Edinelson Ryoiti Eimori

    Edinelson Ryoiti Eimori


    Great coffe shop. Very delicious food for your afternoon. O had Sandwichs but also has food there. Service is also good.

  • mHhNd



    I ordered a beef stew omelet rice & pancake plate and a hot cafe au lait. I think the chicken rice in the omelet rice is frozen. I left the side salad as the side of the lettuce had turned brown. The cafe au lait I received previously at another Hoshino Coffee had a thick film on the surface and was too hot to drink. I don't like the membrane, so I removed it. I was hoping that it would be better this time, but this time too the membrane was stiff. The cup is too hot to hold. Isn't it a bit overcooked? It's so hot that the smell of coffee wafts out.

  • アリス



    The two of us visited for the first time around 2pm on Sunday. When I entered, the seats were about half full, but I was able to sit at a table for four near the window at the very back. We decided to share omelet rice, shrimp and mozzarella cheese gratin, and strawberry soufflé pancakes, and for drinks we ordered iced coffee and Tokonatsu vanilla coffee. While we waited for our orders, the restaurant quickly filled up. Even though I had managed to get to a good spot, I saw two people who looked like a mother and daughter talking in a loud voice right next to me. it can not be helped. However, I felt that the space between the seats was narrow, and the pillars were in a position that made it difficult to walk. But it feels clean. The omelet rice and gratin arrived without a long wait. Omelet rice tastes ordinary. The gratin had a rich white sauce and was delicious, probably because of the mozzarella cheese. After a while, the soufflé pancakes filled with strawberries arrived. The scent of freshly baked sweet pancakes. There is fresh cream on top, but you can add as much maple syrup as you want. The pancakes were warm, soft and very tasty. I felt so happy while eating that I felt like a little girl again. Both the iced coffee and vanilla coffee had a refreshing taste and were delicious. I wanted to eat the soufflé pancakes again, but it's a bit difficult when the seats are so close together and there's someone next to you who's very talkative.

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