San-ikukai Hospital i Sumida City

JapanSan-ikukai Hospital



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3-chōme-20-2 Taihei, Sumida City, Tokyo 130-0012, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3622-9191
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.7025838, Longitude: 139.8138162

kommentar 5

  • joe tay

    joe tay


    We do not understand Japanese language but the staff and nurses shown great care and patience to explain and guide us through the process. They even provided a doctor who understands English language when we did not request for one! (We did not want to trouble them further and used Google translate) The doctor is experienced and offered very good medical advice to us. His professionalism, thoughtfulness and clarity has really helped to ease our ill situation. Thank you San-ikukai Hospital for everything, your service is top notch!

  • asyaad7



    Update Sept 2022: My 2nd delivery at this hospital, the services from pre-natal check-ups, delivery & post delivery hospitalisation were amazing as usual. I went here with limited japanese, and some doctor & nurses could speak simple english if necessary. Pre-natal check-up: only one person required during check ups due to covid restrictions. Delivery: Spouse/1 person are allowed to accompany during delivery, but required to do PCR test before entering, and could stay until 1 hour after delivery. During contraction, the midwife & nurses are very helpful & comforting while waiting for the spouse PCR result. Post delivery: no visitation allowed during hospitalisation, nurses are very kind to help passing stuff to family downstairs. Videocall are allowed with wifi at the specific area. The food were amazingly improved alot, much better than 5 years ago, with my diet restriction, they managed to cater the meal according to my wish. And daily meal were superbly delicious & healthy, and on my 3rd day, I feel very special with the Oiwai (celebration) meal! Overall, will recommend this hospital especially for pregnancy & delivery. 👍 ×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× Amazing hospital, gave birth here during summer. The docs & nurses so nice & friendly, take good care of me during check-ups & delivery. Pre-natal checkup can be done on Saturday which is a plus. Downside, not english-friendly speaking hospital, only 1-2 staff/doc can speak English. Overall, love their service so far. 👍

  • CalebTubeTime HD

    CalebTubeTime HD


    The doctors and nurses here will treat you like a family. From Day 1 until your discharge day, they were very helpful and caring. Got my 3 kids delivered here. First 2012 via normal delivery, 2nd 2017 via induced labor and 3rd Feb 26, 2021, via Cesarian section. I stayed here being closely monitored by nurses and doctors because of my hypertension. They take care of me like their own friend. Thank you to all, you are all appreciated..

  • Khristine Ueno

    Khristine Ueno


    I was hospitalized in this hospital and the doctors especially the ob couldn't give me assurance if the meds are safe for the baby. I only stayed for 2 days and asked me to pay more than 70k. The service and the other extra charges from this hospital is also extreme. It was really a terrible experience. I thought I was going to get better, but in the end, I have to go to different hospital for treatment. I hope they will improve their service and treatment to patients.

  • Catherine Sasaki

    Catherine Sasaki


    Extremely caring doctors and nurses, especially the staff in NICU. Always supportive and loving, ensuring a comfortable adjustment to post-maternity and post-discharge. Great service by the administrative staff, especially their social worker. Felt very loved and grateful for the kindness of everyone at the hospital. **Foreigner friendly - not much English is spoken but kindness and love covers it all **

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