Hamada Hospital i 千代田区

JapanHamada Hospital



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Japan, 〒101-0062 東京都千代田区神田駿河台2丁目5
kontakter telefon: +81 3-5280-1166
internet side: obatakai.or.jp
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Latitude: 35.6997321, Longitude: 139.7613828

kommentar 5

  • ぷー



    I had a test done because there was a possibility that I was pregnant. I had an ultrasound scan and found out that I was pregnant, but they didn't say ``congratulations.'' Also, after the echo, I was directed to an automatic reception desk without any explanation, and the teacher seemed busy and disappeared right away. I didn't know what to do, so I asked the receptionist, ``There was no explanation at all about when I should see the doctor next,'' and she immediately confirmed, ``The medical record said it was in two weeks.'' If you have any other questions you would like to ask the teacher, you can talk to them again, but the price may change, but is that okay?'' I was not feeling well and had to wait over 2 hours to see the doctor, which made it physically difficult for me, so I went home that day, but since it was my first pregnancy and I was worried, I would have liked her to listen to me more carefully. Also, it was my fault for not having the knowledge, but I was delayed in getting my maternal and child health handbook.

  • imo taro

    imo taro


    I used postnatal care and pediatric outpatient services. The facility is new and clean, and the inpatient ward has a hotel-like atmosphere. The doctors, nurses, receptionists, cleaning staff, etc. were all warm, polite, and pleasant people. In postpartum care, we put the user's rest first and received appropriate support as needed, so I was able to rest my mind and body sufficiently after giving birth.

  • y o

    y o


    A few years ago, I went there for a health checkup at work. The doctor in charge of the gynecology department was very inconsiderate, and although it is true that I am obese, during the examination he said things like ``Your belly fat won't get in the way,'' which made me feel very hurt. I was also hurt by the fact that my blood vessels were so thin that it was difficult to draw blood, and the year after I had my blood drawn eight times, the internal medicine doctor and nurse treated me like someone who was in trouble, saying, ``It's hard to draw blood, isn't it? (lol).'' At other hospitals, blood sampling fails only twice, so we had the same problem... I was really relieved when I changed jobs and no longer had to undergo medical examinations at this hospital. If you have other options, I don't think you need to choose this option.

  • Myo Mini

    Myo Mini


    I had my miscarriage treated here. The doctor in charge spoke kind words to me every time I had a checkup. Thanks to that, although this experience was painful, I was able to spend it with peace of mind. Although it was a private room, the room was clean and the toilet was spacious and comfortable. The food was delicious, and the nurses? Most of the people were kind and nice. I don't know if it was because I was nervous on the day of the procedure, but I couldn't stop shaking so I was grateful that they had prepared blankets and hot water bottles for me. After the class was over, the teacher personally came to the room and spoke kind words to me. I thought it was a good hospital, so I would like to write a review.

  • A



    The inside of the hospital is beautiful and clean. The doctors, midwives, and receptionists are all good people. As with other hospitals, I think it would be more reassuring to have an introduction to the doctors who work there (biographical introductions and photos of their faces if possible) on their website. Currently, only the last name of the working doctor is listed, so I would be happy if they could at least post their full name. For childbirth at Hamada Hospital, not only normal delivery, but also painless delivery, emergency cesarean section, and scheduled cesarean section at the patient's request even if there are no abnormalities such as breech birth are possible. I think a planned caesarean section is good because you can choose the day of the week, but you can also prepare in advance. Additionally, in the event of an emergency, the patient can be transported to a larger hospital immediately. I think the good thing about Hamada Hospital is that you can have a safe and stress-free birth. It's great that you can see your baby in 4D during your prenatal checkup, and you can use the app to share videos of your unborn baby with your family. The director, Dr. Aisaka, seems to be a famous obstetrician and gynecologist, and I chose this hospital based on a recommendation from an obstetrician and gynecologist at another hospital. Thanks to you, I felt at ease from beginning to end and was able to give birth safely. The staff were kind to me both during and after giving birth, and I was able to spend my time comfortably. I'm really glad I chose this one! thank you very much.

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