Sampo Cafe w Matsudo

JaponiaSampo Cafe



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒270-0023 Chiba, Matsudo, Hachigasaki, 7-chōme−31−5
kontakt telefon: +81 47-382-5748
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.8124054, Longitude: 139.9290647

komentarze 5

  • saku sakura

    saku sakura


    Coffee and desserts → delicious Atmosphere → I guess it's a relaxed atmosphere? ? I was concerned about the seat position. I didn't think I'd want to stay long. I thought it was unavoidable due to space constraints, but as a food shop, I have never had the opportunity to see the feet of the kitchen space.

  • tk4 310

    tk4 310


    My first visit in 5 years after the coronavirus pandemic. There was a bit of a wait as it was during the busy lunch time. Afterwards, I was guided to my seat. When you look at the menu, you can see the types of coffee. There was so much to choose from that I was confused. However, the young clerk I received a response with a detailed explanation. what suits me Make your choice and place your order. My order came about 15 minutes after I ordered it. Personally, I don't like coffee to be too sour. I asked for something to match that. When you bring the cup close, a rich aroma wafts up. With just the right amount of bitterness and sourness that you won't notice. It was very delicious and matched my taste. I once again had a positive impression of the store staff. The curry is spicy yet rich. It went well with cheese and was delicious too. The only thing that was disappointing was It was crowded so I couldn't help it Where you were guided The place closest to the toilet There was a slight smell of sewage. The atmosphere inside the store is very good. The view outside the window was good Next time I have a chance, I would like to sit by the window.

  • Glanz Graham

    Glanz Graham


    This shop uses in-house roasting to fill the store with a pleasant aroma. It's rare to have Viennese coffee. (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ There is no cinnamon stick, but chocolate is on the cream (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ The pop-up was fluffy, crispy, and more delicious than I expected (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ The pancakes were also delicious It takes time to complete. Pop-ups are also recommended (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

  • Sofia P

    Sofia P


    The location is really good. The prices are okay and so is the coffee. The coffee beans are fine but a teensy bit more expensive than my regular store. That being said, it is a local business and it's good to support local businesses over chains. I had lunch here and it was good. The prices are a little high.

  • northern star

    northern star


    this cafe offers delicious food, particularly pop overs, pan cakes, pasta and rice meals.

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