Karakuan Shin-Matsudo w Matsudo

JaponiaKarakuan Shin-Matsudo



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4-chōme-126 Shinmatsudo, Matsudo, Chiba 270-0034, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 47-340-3523
strona internetowej: c-united.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.8268675, Longitude: 139.9138543

komentarze 5

  • Sasshy16v



    My husband and I came here for breakfast early on a Saturday morning. It was around 8:30, but about half of the seats were empty, and the service was quick. On this day, I received a set of tuna corn sandwich and blended coffee, and it was delicious. The amount is also suitable for a morning meal. All Coffee Kankura are the same, but the garden that resembles a rock garden can be seen from the window, and it is isolated from the street view, so it feels a little special. There is a question as to whether a rock garden is good or bad. However, since it was morning, the inside of the store was quiet and I was able to spend about an hour in peace.

  • Ayaka. k

    Ayaka. k


    The coffee and food are delicious, and the building is beautiful. However, even if you ring the bell attached to the table, it doesn't seem to be working, so it might be better to just call the staff by voice. The bell doesn't seem to be broken, but no one will ever come. When I visited during peak time around 13:00 on a holiday, I experienced that it took nearly 30 minutes to ring the bell and receive my order. I rang the bell attached to the table about 6 times at intervals, but no one came, and even Amatsu went to listen to the orders of the table that came later, making me feel as if I were a ghost. When I press the button, it makes a proper sound, and my table number is displayed on the wall at the counter, but it may just be for interior decoration. Due to the location, about half of the customers are elderly people who have very noisy throats, but I think it's better to just pretend like they can't use the machines and just call them. Normally, you shouldn't do that much. As mentioned above, the coffee is very delicious and the building is beautiful, so if possible, we recommend visiting in the evening to avoid peak hours. Personally, I recommend drying coffee in the shade.

  • halt Larhalt

    halt Larhalt


    Use it for cafe activities! There is a parking lot for about 10 cars, so it is easy to use even if you are using a car. I was there during lunchtime, but it was more than half empty. Order Papua New Guinea's Tropical Mountains The taste was gentle, with a soft bitterness and sweetness. It's quite expensive at 740 yen, but I'm satisfied.

  • えりこさん



    I've been here several times, and even though I ordered decaffeinated coffee, I received decaffeinated milk coffee. That's fine, but when I told them otherwise, they reacted as if I was wrong, which made me feel really bad. I heard you wrong though...

  • LFG



    Is it a chain store around Matsudo City? I don't think there was one in Chiba City? I like the atmosphere of this Japanese-style restaurant✨ Lunch time is until 3pm. Is the price of coffee a little higher than other chain stores? This time it's pancakes and sandwiches. The sandwich was tasty and had plenty of ingredients. Salad is just a bonus. Charcoal iced coffee is really delicious. You can also add the included milk and gum syrup ✨ The pancakes were simple pancakes and tasted like Royal Host 🎵

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