Sakuragiya w Akita




🕗 godziny otwarcia

5-chōme-7-12 Niidahonchō, Akita, 010-1421, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 18-839-1088
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Latitude: 39.6740474, Longitude: 140.1258502

komentarze 5

  • TAK Super

    TAK Super


    This popular restaurant in Niida, Akita City is known for its Cantonese noodles and Chinese chive soba. There has been a long line of customers since the store opened. ``Chive Soba'' is a sweet and flavorful soup with the flavor of dashi stock, and lots of chives are added to give it a fragrant and spicy finish. This soup is delicious and addictive. ``Cantonese noodles'' are topped with sweet bean paste. The base soup is delicious, so it was better to eat it as is without adding the bean paste. The fried chicken consists of three pieces of fried chicken that are about the size of a child's palm. By default, it doesn't have much flavor, so add table salt to your taste. I recommend dipping the fried chicken into chive soba or Cantonese noodles. The fried chicken batter absorbs the already delicious soup, and the crispy texture makes it extremely delicious. The gyoza is chive-filled, with a meaty texture and a strong chive flavor. For some reason, these dumplings may be the most delicious than Cantonese noodles or Chinese chive noodles. You might be satisfied with two plates of gyoza and rice. That's how much I recommend it. When there is a line, the waiting time from the vending machine in front of the store is about 40 minutes. They will take your order while you are in line, and your food will be served shortly after you are seated.

  • リリハ808HI



    I went there for the first time. This is a restaurant I've always wanted to go to because of its gourmet food. I ate Cantonese noodles. It's just delicious. Pretty hot. But, I guess it's pretty normal... I was surprised when I ate the gyoza! ️ Delicious. This gyoza was worth waiting in line for. I thought this was the most delicious gyoza I've had in a while. I didn't know that Morioka store was opened, but I would like to go to the Morioka store to eat gyoza. If it's just the gyoza, it's a ★5.

  • t hint

    t hint


    It seems to be a popular nila soba restaurant, and I was invited by a colleague at work to enter the store just before 12:00. I was seated almost without waiting. First, I ordered Nirasoba. The rich soup and chives are delicious. It had a strong flavor, so I wanted rice, but I ended up eating too much, so I stopped. The store staff are also cheerful and pleasant. It's inconvenient that tissues are only available next to the cash register. When I left the store after 12:00, there were about 8 people waiting. I'm glad I went early.

  • David Janetski

    David Janetski


    Fantastic negi miso ramen The gyoza was wonderful and so was the fried chicken!

  • A J

    A J


    Excellent ramen, comfortable atmosphere, nice people. Go early to miss the queue!

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