Sakura umi i Okayama

JapanSakura umi



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116 Takaya, Naka Ward, Okayama, 703-8233, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 86-273-7777
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Latitude: 34.6752659, Longitude: 133.9634731

kommentar 5

  • 猫好き



    The first three photos are from lunch, and the last three are from dinner. For lunch, the steak (300g) lunch is 2100 yen. Roast beef lunch 1300 yen Dinner is chicken nanban set meal for 980 yen. Steak (300g) set meal 2100 yen. The roast beef was almost raw, so the rice was stained red and was a little difficult to eat. The steaks are stacked in two layers and are quite large ✨ The meat is quite raw, so I prefer it a little more cooked, but my son was happy and said, ``The steak here is the most tender and delicious.'' Masu. The chicken nanban set meal (980 yen) is also recommended. There are 5 large fried chicken pieces and the tartar sauce is delicious. Both the steak set meal and the chicken nanban set meal are reasonably priced at the same price for lunch and dinner. You can pay by PayPay and collect stamps.

  • 四馬路



    I stopped by with two people on a weekday afternoon. It was explained that the last order for lunch time is 2:30 pm and that the restaurant will close at 3:00 pm. The two of us ordered crab cream croquette, cheese curry, iced tea, and vegetable curry. I didn't have iced lemon tea, so I had it straight. Drinks must be ordered at the same time as a meal to receive the discount. First came the thick soup and mini salad. I was a little surprised by the bowl of curry that came later. Like a boat? However, it was surprisingly easy to eat. It wasn't exactly a retro cafe, but it was reasonably priced and had a relaxing atmosphere.

  • minoru ueshima

    minoru ueshima


    It was a store that I had been interested in for a while. Meanwhile, what are the favorite books of Okayama residents? This restaurant was introduced on Town Information Okayama and I decided to try it. Yeah, that's not what I remembered, right? lol Regarding access, the road is facing a relatively wide road, so the width of the road is not a problem. A parking lot is also available in front of the store. I arrived before opening time and was able to take photos of the exterior. When the store opened, there were many people lining up, which gave me a sense of how popular it was. When the store opens, we are guided and seated. As the name suggests, the nostalgic cafe has a retro atmosphere, but the interior is warm and has a very gentle feel to it. Look at the menu and go through what you have learned. Beef loin steak is a recommended menu item! How many grams do you think I asked for? yes! that's right! It's 300g! 😤 I also ordered iced coffee, mini rich pudding, and Oreo cake! ! ...As I write this, I think I eat too much...I hate myself... No, I ate too much... It's good, it's good 🥲 It's naughty 🤣 Yes, I have high self-esteem lol The store was full in no time! Even in such a situation, I was treated so efficiently and it felt good. First, the soup was served, and then the 300g steak arrived! After all, when you see a 300g steak, it feels overwhelming! The steak is cut and the meat is very tender and delicious! ! I chose Japanese style sauce and it was extremely delicious! It was a huge amount, but I got it in no time. Was steak a drink? It felt like... Sorry, I made a big deal of that 🙇‍♂️ lol After the meal, iced coffee, rich pudding, and Oreo cake arrived. I’m already happy~~~~🤤 I saw the Oreo cake posted on the shop's Instagram and wanted to try it. It was so delicious! It has been a popular store for a long time and you can tell that it is loved by everyone. I’m glad I asked you 🙌 Today is also a good day ✨ Today was also a super delicious and satisfying lunch! Nostalgic cafe Sakuraumi-sama was very delicious! Thank you for the meal 😋 --- 🏠 116-6 Takaya, Naka-ku, Okayama City ☎️ - 🈺 11:00~15:00(14:30os) 17:30~21:00(20:30os)

  • 009 2222

    009 2222


    First time use 🙂 The atmosphere inside the store is good 😉 Music with heavy bass is playing♪♪♪ I ordered the roast beef set 😉 The roast beef was cooked at a low temperature in-house and was tender and went well with the Japanese-style grated sauce. A combination of crab cream croquette, demi-glace sauce stewed hamburger, and coleslaw. Is it suitable for women because it is one plate? If you want to eat a hearty meal, you may need to add more 🤔 I'm usually a light eater so I'm satisfied🍴🈵😃 As I was looking at the many retro empty bottles lined up, I started looking to see if I could find the same one. It was hot.

  • nixie



    went for lunch at 1230 on weekday and immeadiately got seating. restaurant is run buy a couple. food is homy, delicious and generous portion. the vegetable is delicious, along with the chicken karage and beef slices. also ordered coffee and its good. highly recommend

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