Okayama International Hotel i Okayama

JapanOkayama International Hotel


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4-chōme-1-16 Kadotahonmachi, Naka Ward, Okayama, 703-8274, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 86-273-7311
internet side: www.okayamakokusaihotel.jp
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Latitude: 34.649965, Longitude: 133.948491

kommentar 5

  • casper chen

    casper chen


    A very nice location with a bird-eye view. Really enjoy the tranquility here and the excellent service.Quite impressed with the open air bath though need to line when crowded. But it is a worth.

  • Helena Li

    Helena Li


    Room is pretty big as per Japanese hotel standard, wonderful view overlooking the city and mountains. Hotel itself is a little aged, but service is welcoming in an old-fashion good way. Overall we found our 2-night stay quite enjoyable.

  • Joseph Williams

    Joseph Williams


    This hotel is awesome! It's a little bit away from the middle of town, but if you have a car, this is the place to stay. The view from the room was spectacular! The night view was especially beautiful. The room did not feel like a typical Japanese hotel. There was actually room to walk around. There was also a nice desk area and a table, as well as a little couch. The bed was really comfortable and we really slept well. The breakfast was amazing! Parking was really convenient.

  • Brooke Lawson

    Brooke Lawson


    Bed was hard. Location isn’t great. They have a free shuttle bus to the station which runs once an hour. Cigarette burns all over the carpet. Stains on the walls. Probably wouldn’t recommend. Breakfast was mainly Japanese food not much western options.

  • Ashley Zattelman

    Ashley Zattelman


    I stayed at Okayama hotel for only one night but I was really impressed with the quality of the room. The hotel is also in a great location. Highly recommended.

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