Sakimoto Dental Clinic i Chikushino

JapanSakimoto Dental Clinic



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166-3 Zokumyōin, Chikushino, Fukuoka 818-0067, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 92-918-2211
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.4787361, Longitude: 130.5339941

kommentar 5

  • ORI HiS

    ORI HiS


    In my opinion, the treatment skills are quite good. Closing time is early. Lately, I've been having a hard time making reservations. If your symptoms are urgent, we will respond immediately. However, as other reviews say, In any case, I feel like there is no problem with interpersonal interactions. For things that are irregular or not normally done, I don't understand well. ■Conversations must be communicated clearly in short sentences. ■Request general medical treatment and treatment. ■Restrict communication from us.

  • はっぱ



    This was about 3 years ago, but what about the hot gel used to take impressions of your teeth? Something like that dripped into my mouth and caused me a burn, but I was told without apologies, ``It's because it moves,'' and ``You know it's your fault for causing the cavity in the first place, right?'' which made no sense. I didn't understand. When I asked two of my acquaintances who used to go here, it seemed like I was the only one who was verbally abused, so it seems like they are picking on people and treating them with disrespect.

  • もろてー



    He is a very kind and helpful teacher. For this reason, it is a popular dentist, but since there is only one doctor and two staff members, it can be difficult to get an appointment. However, I think it's worth waiting if it's not an emergency.

  • 川岡美佐子



    During last year's typhoon, my gums were swollen and I couldn't contact my family dentist, so I went to Sakimoto Dentistry. I was in a lot of trouble due to the typhoon, but they told me to take care of it right away. Thank you for that section 😊

  • 和美



    The other day I chipped a tooth and it was extremely painful, so I called and asked if I could come see you later since it was close to my house, but I was told, ``It's not possible without an appointment,'' and ``You can make an appointment in two weeks.'' "Why are you here?" he said. I told him that it was very painful and that it was close to my house and easy to get to, but he seemed very reluctant and told me that it would be possible to do it in two weeks. Hospitals allow walk-ins, but dental clinics don't allow walk-ins. It was a very unpleasant phone call.

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