Sakanaya no Daidokoro en Sapporo

JapónSakanaya no Daidokoro



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Japan, 〒060-0011 Hokkaido, Sapporo, Chuo Ward, Kita 11 Jōnishi, 22-chōme−1−26 2階
contactos teléfono: +81 11-644-2006
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 43.0704938, Longitude: 141.3202313

comentarios 5

  • H F

    H F


    On Sunday, I was looking for lunch from a late hour and almost felt like a refugee. Still, if you want to enjoy some quality seafood at a cheap price at an outdoor market, this is definitely recommended for tourists and businessmen alike. On the first floor, there is a long line for the popular French ramen. After easily avoiding this, take the stairs to the second floor. I step through the noren curtain and sit at an empty seat. It's not a ticket vending machine, but they'll keep an eye on you, so you don't have to raise your hand. This is a professional market restaurant with a traditional atmosphere. The spacious and clean interior can accommodate more than 20 people. There are a lot of manga, but first, order. A simple system where you can choose between a bowl of fresh seafood or a variety of grilled fish set meals. Choose your favorite seafood sashimi or grilled fish from the menu. We selected the popular herring and atka mackerel. The large bowl comes with delicious white rice, miso soup, two small bowls, and pickles. Fresh, cheap and delicious! Business hours are 7AM to 1:30PM.

  • Cassie Cheon

    Cassie Cheon


    Good! Thick slices :) ¥2200 for this omakase kaisen bowl.

  • Sunny M

    Sunny M


    Date of visit: Tue 25 Apr 2023 Time : 11.15am This is probably the “hidden” gem of Sapporo restaurants. Most could offer you kaisendon and maybe grilled mackerel, salmon, pacific saury or cod. Here there is a wide and varied selection of grilled fish to choose from. Not a easy place to locate. Along this famous section where seafood restaurants are situated, there is a little alley in between and a small signboard indicating this restaurant is upstairs. Please look at the first 2 pictures, if google map uploads for me correctly. We ordered the silver flounder and mero set meal. I had to ask the staff how the mero looks like. They are so kind to search for me. I understand that I’m going to eat the cheek part of the mero. Wonderful ! That’s usually the best part of big fishes. Just look at the color of the grilled fish. Amazing ! And no burnt areas hardly. Really delicious! A copious set meal. The servings are really generous ! Warm service by the 2 staff there !

  • Life's Abroad

    Life's Abroad


    After wandering around the market, I felt inspired to try the local fare. Took a chance walk up a set of stairs behind the market and stumbled across Sakanaya no Daidokoro. The staff were very welcoming and provided a Japanese menu which was easy enough to interpret. Selected the kaisendon set which was brought to the table soon after. The seafood all seemed very fresh. I liked the Showa-era-esque vibe too. Overall a solid pick in the area.

  • E L

    E L


    A hidden gem. Located on the second floor of the fish market behind a dark hallway, the shop looks kind shady. Shop owner dresses like a fisherman and there are workout equipments and comic books laying around. However, the food is great. Fisherman style Seafood-Don; no fancy knife skill, just huge chunks of fresh seafood piled up on vinegar rice: prawn, king crab, tuna, salmon, flatfish, red snapper, mackerel, scallop, conch, salmon roe, and add another 500 yen for uni(sea urchin). The owner handpicked the freshest ingrediants for the season, and the result is all the best that the Sea of Hokkaido has to offer in one single bowl. Starting at 2000 yen the price might seen a little steep, but the portion and quality well worth the price. Owner is old and does not speak English, but a menu with pictures will do. Too bad the wasabi isn't freshly ground, but fishermen are not known for being delicate anyway.

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