Iryo Hojin Tatsumikai Doi Dental Clinic en Higashiosaka

JapónIryo Hojin Tatsumikai Doi Dental Clinic



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Japan, 〒578-0911 Osaka, Higashiosaka, Nakashinkai, 2-chōme−6−31 コンフォートエヌズ 1F
contactos teléfono: +81 72-965-2550
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.682411, Longitude: 135.623444

comentarios 5

  • 尚美



    I made a new reservation, but the reservation was made by mistake, and when I went there, it was closed on that day due to a temporary holiday. If you are going for the first time, I think it is better to check on the day of your reservation to see if the date is available. Since it was a new call, I didn't get a call back even if I left it on voicemail, so I ended up contacting them. I changed the phone number to someone who understood, but the other person's response was "Yeah, yeah," or "Please listen to me until the end," without any apologies. It's a shame because there are other good reviews.

  • 静絵



    My son is only 2 years old and it's his first time going to the dentist, so I told him that I thought he would cry, but he ended up crying and asked the director, ``If he starts crying, are you going to go home?'' ” When I heard that, I was so surprised that I couldn't say anything. When I left, I told the receptionist, ``If I cry in the future, I won't be able to make a reservation.'' ”I was so angry that I will never go there again😊 If you don't like children, you should quit pediatric dentistry and only see adults. The other pediatric dentist was really kind and the child didn't cry. After all, I would cry if the director treated me like that, I think it was scary.

  • S F

    S F


    I visited him because it was close to his workplace, and he patiently treated me from there until the correction and treatment was completed. The hospital is clean, the staff is courteous, and I get the feeling that the equipment used for treatment is actively incorporating new technology. I think the clinic's policy is to support dental health (and thus life health) from a medium to long-term perspective, and provide guidance on how to do so, so I think he is a very good family dentist. . On the other hand, for people who just want to see a doctor for their current pain, or just want the bare minimum treatment without asking anything, it can be a hassle as they are often booked up and have to be given guidance on lifestyle habits. I think the dentist can feel it. I think he is a dentist I can recommend to people who are willing to deal with and manage their dental problems over the long term, including orthodontics.

  • クルマバイク



    I received treatment at this hospital for about half a year. Everyone from the receptionist to the dental assistant, dental hygienist, and doctor were so friendly that I felt like going to the dentist wasn't a pain for the first time! The teacher carefully explained anything I didn't understand or was concerned about, which was very helpful! I am moving far away due to work, but I would like to visit regularly. He is the best dentist, so if you are considering it, please come 👍

  • H S

    H S


    Many of the teeth that I had treated in the past had cavities that recurred, and I am fully aware that it was my fault for leaving them so long. I understand the explanation that with insurance treatment, the tooth will be removed and the tooth will become silver, and in the end the tooth will be gone, and I can understand that he is speaking for the patient. But what do you think about them always recommending implants every time? If I were to get multiple implants, it would cost a huge amount of money and it would be impossible, so if I asked for it within the scope of insurance treatment, I could find a dentist near my workplace, or get short-term intensive treatment. I was told. The reason is that I can't come every weekday, my workplace is far away and I can only go from home on Saturdays, and if I only get treatment once a month, my other teeth will get cavities. When I was listening, I thought that was the case, so I said I would do just that, but when I thought about it calmly, I decided not to continue coming because this patient was covered in serious cavities and the treatment would only be within the scope of the insurance coverage, so it wouldn't be good for business. Isn't that so? Also, when I made an appointment after my last treatment, the receptionist told me that it would be a week or two weeks later, but I was told that it was a short period of time, so it became like monthly treatment. I got a filling in the tooth that was being treated, and then I was just trying to find a dentist on my own, and the process ended quickly. If that's the case, why don't you tell me that the first time? At the first interview, I was told to be patient with the treatment, but at the second treatment, I was taught how to brush my teeth and the treatment was cut back a little. Instead of trying to save as much of the tooth as possible from the beginning, they are only trying to sell treatments that aren't covered by insurance, and the treatment doesn't make any progress after just one visit. All dentists these days only sell implants, so if that doesn't work, why not go elsewhere? I started to doubt it. I was thinking of going there because I was told it had a good reputation, but I'm very disappointed. The dentist I went to before transferring had a less business sense and didn't leave things unattended, which was good.

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