Saizeriya Hondori en Hiroshima

JapónSaizeriya Hondori



🕗 horarios

2-chōme-3-26 Kamiyachō, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0031, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 82-545-6730
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.3935658, Longitude: 132.4566678

comentarios 5

  • Sharon Tong

    Sharon Tong


    You can enjoy tasty italian food at a relatively cheap price!! Also, the qr code menu provided many different languages, so it was a good choice for tourists! I think it was even more tasty than the same brand in HK ! Highly recommended.

  • Raymond Smith

    Raymond Smith


    A bit apprehensive after reading the reviews, but think they're mostly unfamiliar with Japanese Portion sizes and availability of ingredients that make Italian amazing. That said, the food was flavourful, though missing some herbs that make Italian food amazing. Tiramisu is a must.

  • Marien Pestanas

    Marien Pestanas


    The food was good I love the balance of the taste. The atmosphere was a little bit crowded because of the popularity. The service, it's kinda slow, and our food was served late we know for sure because the other table was served first before us. We wrote down our order first before them.

  • Michael Freddy

    Michael Freddy


    Located at basement, not difficult to find this place because there's signpost of the name. This place serve many Italian food with cheap price, I tried pasta and chicken steak and tasted so good. You should try this. I also uploaded the menu with the price inside the picture

  • ultimobile



    Downstairs from Hondori - cheap and good so popular with young people - an 8" buffalo cheese pizza for one and a refreshing beer for under 1000 yen - what's not to like!? Um - actually the pizza is very mild so you might want to load it up with dried pepper flakes from the sprinkler bottle - and if you are my partner you will order the deep fried chicken wings! A very nice pour of beer tonight - nice creamy head - best so far this trip - so I had a second!

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