Micchan Fukuya shop en Hiroshima

JapónMicchan Fukuya shop



🕗 horarios

6-26 Ebisuchō, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0021, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 82-246-6360
sitio web: www.okonomi.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.3932304, Longitude: 132.4625817

comentarios 5

  • 矢野誠(まことおとうさん)



    I wanted to eat authentic Hiroshima okonomiyaki, so I googled it and found that there were several restaurants open in the evening, but this one was the closest to the one that was open from noon. However, I'm glad it was a nice shop. It was delicious. I loved the crispness of the soba noodles and the fluffy texture of the dough. I also feel safe being inside Mitsukoshi.

  • 5j ceres (kari)

    5j ceres (kari)


    The staff welcomed us cheerfully. I ordered the standard Hiroshimayaki. There were many options on the menu and many toppings. It came on a white plate. I ate it piping hot with chopsticks. It was delicious. The soba noodles inside were crispy and the bean sprouts were juicy, making it a satisfying meal. I was satisfied. By the time I left the store, customers were lined up. When you eat them all, Tafuku-san will appear in the middle of the white plate. You can use PayPay.

  • 川畑直樹



    2023/11/03 I didn't think I would wait in line to eat. I had squid tempura okonomiyaki for 1,100 yen, but I felt that the okonomiyaki at the noren shop in town was more expensive even though they had the same toppings, and the way okonomiyaki in Hiroshima is when you eat it on the iron plate while making your own noises. But...this is a type of restaurant that has 4 counter seats and 18 to 20 table seats (I can't tell because I didn't look all the way to the back), and serves freshly grilled okonomiyaki on a plate. What I thought was sensible was that they poured as much mayonnaise (which I thought was evil), garlic, and other ingredients as much as they wanted. After I took a bite, I took a picture of it because I forgot to take a picture, so it looks like yakisoba, but it's squid tempura okonomiyaki. I made a cut with a spatula, but only the center strip was cut, so it turned out to be a mess and looked like eating yakisoba (ー ー;) I wanted them to cut exactly along the cut line ƪ( ˘⌣˘)ʃ

  • usagi aka

    usagi aka


    We lined up about 10 minutes before opening, were given the menu, and took our order right away 😃 I ordered meatball soba with squid tempura for 1,100 yen. After opening, I sat down and my okonomiyaki arrived in about 5 minutes 😊 It seems like they started grilling the food as soon as I received my order before the store opened. Okonomiyaki takes a long time to make, so I was happy that it was cooked right away 😉 The sauce was Micchan's special sauce, and mayonnaise was also placed on the table for free. As expected from Micchan, the taste was delicious😋

  • Lem Hobbs

    Lem Hobbs


    Excellent okanomiyaki! The best in Hiroshima

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