Saito Clinics i Iwata

JapanSaito Clinics



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1678-2 Horinouchi, Iwata, Shizuoka 438-0205, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 538-59-3070
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.6897627, Longitude: 137.8050141

kommentar 5

  • mwmw



    [Dermatology available online] It's been about 6 years since I started going there. This is a popular dermatology clinic in Iwata. There is a long wait even on weekdays. (Until now, there was a phone call service when it was your turn to call, but this has been discontinued as the coronavirus has calmed down. Too bad.) If you have small children, the waiting time can be difficult. Unless you want to have your symptoms examined in person, we recommend that you seek medical treatment online in advance! However, because the receptionist and the person preparing the medicine are not very efficient, you have to wait about 10 minutes just to receive the medicine. The doctor is a kind female doctor who listens carefully. The receptionist used to be a very kind and nice person, but she has recently changed to a new person. There was no greeting, and it seemed like they were still not used to it. The young nurses are very gentle and kind. Elderly people are not kind to children and have a bad feeling. There's always at least one person who doesn't feel well, so I don't want to take my two small children there, but I continue to go there because I can do online medical treatment and it's convenient because I can use PayPay.

  • くりもこ



    The female doctor is kind, kind and polite ♡ You can watch it right away without making a reservation. A counter that doesn't look like a hospital... The parking lot is large and easy to park❗️ You can also use PayPay, which is very convenient ☆彡

  • たす



    The best dermatology clinic in Iwata The teachers and receptionists all have a calm and friendly atmosphere. It seems that you can make inquiries on LINE and receive medical treatment online (please note that you will not be able to receive treatment if you have not received treatment within the last 3 months). There is no reservation system, so it seems that you basically need to come to the hospital. recommendation!

  • Abreu Tha

    Abreu Tha


    He was a very nice receptionist and doctor. All the dermatologists I've been to so far have been given random looks or told me completely different things, so I had a bad impression of going to a dermatologist, but I decided to go to this one because it was highly rated. Ta As per the reviews, he is a good doctor and I highly recommend him. From now on, we will only be spending money on this.

  • EKN “EKN” 7911

    EKN “EKN” 7911


    It was my first time visiting, but I was able to see the doctor smoothly without having to wait that long. I was thoroughly examined by a female doctor. It feels good and easy to talk to. The staff's response is also good. Even better, you can prescribe medicine on the spot, so you don't have to go to the pharmacy. The parking lot is large and good! I would like to request this from now on.

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