Saitama Resona Bank Saitama Sales Department i Saitama

JapanSaitama Resona Bank Saitama Sales Department



🕗 åbningstider

7-chōme-4-1 Tokiwa, Urawa Ward, Saitama, 330-9088, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 48-824-2411
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.8675135, Longitude: 139.6455159

kommentar 5

  • prabuddha marasinghe

    prabuddha marasinghe


    Poor customer service, employee attitude should evolve as well as the technology

  • 工藤崇



    I tried to consult over the phone, but I couldn't get through. I sincerely hope for your kind response.

  • 行徳莉瑠菜



    The magnetic field on my cash card became difficult to read at the ATM, so I came here to have it reissued. The counter was empty and it took about 20 minutes to receive the new cash card. There were Risonya stuffed animals everywhere and it was so cute🐱 There is a parking lot underground, and you can park your car for free.

  • 荻野弘美



    I created a new savings account. I needed to make a reservation for the date and time, so I asked for a reservation. I got it right away. Although I was earlier than my reservation time, the procedure was handled immediately and went smoothly. However, I didn't have a passbook, and I wasn't used to using a tablet, so I was having a hard time even after listening to a lot of things. Somehow, I was able to complete the procedure and have a cash card issued. I was surprised that I didn't even need a seal. It's the era.

  • A A

    A A


    I felt that the staff at the Omiya branch were working in line with the basics of what a bank employee would normally do at a bank. We proposed solutions from the customer's perspective. I didn't have a very good impression of the financial industry. I am grateful to the wonderful staff. Thank you for your continued support. Thank you very much.

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