Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Omiya Branch i さいたま市

JapanBank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Omiya Branch



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Japan, 〒330-0845 埼玉県さいたま市大宮区仲町2丁目9
kontakter telefon: +81 570-018-016
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Latitude: 35.9059875, Longitude: 139.6270694

kommentar 5

  • mitu tokudome

    mitu tokudome


    Takashimaya and this bank are the only things that have been here for a long time, and all the surrounding stores have been replaced. There is almost no parking lot, so most of the customers who use the ATM park on the street. Being a mega bank is something we are proud of. There is a lack of understanding of individual account holders, and they continue to conduct traditional banking operations. I had no choice but to open an account at the company's request, and once I left Omiya, there were hardly any ATMs in the area, and the bank charged a 200 yen fee for withdrawing 1,000 yen. Mega banks try to make money from fees from customers. Shinkin banks and JA agricultural cooperatives are still better able to manage local customers. Even though it's in a prime location in front of the station, the customer management feels like it's worse than a rural post office.

  • Takamitsu Sakai (Toby)

    Takamitsu Sakai (Toby)


    This company makes fun of individuals. What I confirmed over the phone and what I heard when I came to the store were different. Also, I don't understand why they would open a new account under conditions that would not allow them to do so on a smartphone, but they would accept it on a tablet. I don't understand what you want to do Come to think of it, this is a long time ago, but there was a company that had a sign posted at the Shinjuku branch telling individuals not to come. Is it getting worse instead of getting better? I won't open an account unless the company asks me to open one.

  • Yuna Aoki

    Yuna Aoki


    I visited the branch twice to process a name change due to marriage, but due to the poor customer service at this branch, I ended up canceling my account and opening a new one at another bank. In my case, the entire name change process took six weeks. First of all, I was told that branch office reservations would not be available until three weeks later, and that even if I changed my name, it would take another three weeks for it to be reflected. Both times, I was guided by a shortcut woman at the reception on the second floor, and her customer service was the worst I've ever experienced in my life. The first time, I was treated as if it was my fault for coming to the store with my child and was asked to leave. I was well aware that there were high hurdles to dealing with banks as I was traveling with children, so I made several inquiries to the call center in advance to see if it was possible to complete the process through an app, the web, or by mail.When I found out that it was only possible at a counter, I had no choice but to visit the branch. did. I think most of today's generation of children do some research on the internet before making the decision to visit a store. I believe that if customers are given a warm welcome and are given a warm welcome, rather than being turned away at the door when they arrive with children, the bank will be easier for working generations to use. When I visited the store for the second time, I asked my family to take a day off on weekdays and came alone while I was looking after my child, but they said they didn't have the necessary documents, so they even directed me to the counter. I didn't. I checked with the call center in advance about the required documents and brought them with me, but it seemed that they were missing. Maybe it was due to my lack of understanding. However, it was really disappointing to be laughed at at the same time as being pointed out that I didn't have all the required documents. I was confused because I had never been treated so disrespected as a customer, and I never expected to experience it at a bank branch that I had trusted and used for many years. We would like our receptionists to buy some delicious food and sweets at the basement of the department store after work, eat a feast with their families, take a relaxing warm bath, sleep well, and come to work the next day feeling satisfied. I sincerely hope so. I hope the day will come when you won't have to bear the stress of customer service on your customers.

  • Ekko



    When I went to cancel a general account with a balance of 0 yen (no reservations allowed), it took nearly 2 hours. He made me sign and seal nearly 10 documents, and finally asked me to write down my driver's license number, so I refused and said, ``Please check with your boss.'' On the same day, I canceled my nearby Mitsubishi Trust and Sumitomo Mitsui Trust accounts, and each process took 10 to 20 minutes. There is no need to present an ID, just one document. Sumitomo Mitsui did not even require a seal.

  • Yuka Mano

    Yuka Mano


    I think the situation is the same for all banks, but they are reducing staff, promoting online guidance, and prioritizing reservations. It can't be helped, as bank branches probably won't exist in 30 years, but whether or not customers understand this attitude will probably be the difference in the level of service a company provides. I went to several banks recently, and I felt that UFJ's level of service was quite low, although this branch may not be the only one. Even though I had to wait for a long time, they wouldn't let me use the toilet. There are probably many elderly customers, so I think it would be better to do something about this.

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