Sada Orthopaedic Surgeon Clinic i Fukuoka

JapanSada Orthopaedic Surgeon Clinic



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2-chōme-19-2 Shinshōji, Jonan Ward, Fukuoka, 814-0121, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 92-864-6556
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.5530556, Longitude: 130.3753114

kommentar 5

  • AYT S

    AYT S


    I couldn't get a reservation on the phone, so I went there in person, but I waited for two and a half hours. The examination lasted less than 5 minutes. I realized that I shouldn't go if I couldn't get a reservation. The receptionist is curt, but the nurses and doctors are kind.

  • Kgg 1224

    Kgg 1224


    My child is being cared for due to an injury. I'm sorry that I hide my eyes and look frightened every time I go to see the doctor because I'm scared, but Dr. T, the nurses, the rehabilitation doctor, and everyone else are very warm, kind, and gentle with encouragement, so I was able to do my best without my child's reluctance to go to the hospital. I am. Although I was hospitalized, my meals were nutritionally balanced. It was a little small, but the kids were happy because they got some snacks. The treatment was appropriate and recovery from the injury was quick. thank you very much.

  • 高嶋隆一



    It's really the worst hospital I went there in the morning and had to wait a long time. “Reservations are given priority at all hospitals.” When I told him that I was going to go home because I had a reservation and couldn't wait because I was going to be late, he asked me to pay because he was examining me, and instead, without any explanation, I just wanted my hourly wage for waiting. The nurses' response is also bad, and it is famous that A hospital in name only I will never go there again It would be better for you not to go. It was extremely unpleasant

  • nao



    A while ago, my elderly mother complained that her legs were hurting, so I took her there. During examinations, I try to intervene between my mother and the doctor and speak slowly and loudly to make it easier for my mother to understand what the doctor is saying, and I try to rephrase what she says in a concise manner. I was there. However, because my mother is old, she can't hear well and her ability to understand has declined, so she repeats the same things over and over again. Then, the teacher interrupted my mother's conversation with an irritated voice and yelled, ``That's why we can't do anything unless we take a test! So what did you want us to do today?'' I was surprised when I heard that. I'm sure it was difficult to deal with my elderly mother, but I thought the way she treated her as a troublesome elderly person was truly cruel. I took an X-ray, but I was told that the X-ray showed no abnormalities, and that it would not be possible to tell without a proper examination.I was told that I needed to make an appointment for that ``proper examination,'' and that was all I needed to do that day. . I don't want to go here anymore, so I'll post this after searching for another hospital.

  • ゆい



    My son came to us because he was having pain in the base of his foot and was unable to walk. I went to see Dr. Kamine on Wednesday, but he just took an X-ray and didn't examine or palpate me at all, saying, ``There's nothing wrong with me.'' We'll have to wait and see. "only. I couldn't walk normally, so I went to see him, but he said, ``Can I still go to school and play baseball even though I can't walk like this?'' ” I asked, but he said, ``Well, that's right.'' He sat down and said, arrogantly. The receptionist asked me to see the same doctor next time, but I definitely don't want to see him again. Immediately after the consultation, I went to another orthopedic surgeon.

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