tokyobike shop 谷中 i Taitō-ku

Japantokyobike shop 谷中



🕗 åbningstider

6 Chome-3-12 Yanaka, Taitō-ku, Tōkyō-to 110-0001, Japón
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3827-4819
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.7233344, Longitude: 139.7691527

kommentar 5

  • 栄山田




  • Erwin Brouwer

    Erwin Brouwer


    Very nice store with fun articles ... there is a small bar with specialty sake degustation. Staff speaks fluent English ! Thank you for restaurant directions and knowledge about sake :-)

  • Victoria Palacios

    Victoria Palacios


    Greatest people in the world work here. I got to test drive a few bikes and they are of great quality. Highly recommend!

  • ocean paradise

    ocean paradise


    Tokyo bikeはお洒落な雰囲気の自転車屋さん。

  • Inhale Exhale

    Inhale Exhale


    Phenomenal Experience. Great bike for a great price. On top of that the service was super friendly and the environment was very welcoming. I got a bike for a week and when I picked up the bike I was given a darling gift bag with maps, note pads and what not. When I brought the bike bike I was offered a free beer or ginger drink. Top notch service! I was blown away. I will rent here again or from the company in general being that I found out that they have locations all over the place. Thank guys! You were great!

nærmeste Cykel butik

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