Saburo w Ichinomiya




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Shitanda-79-5 Sanjō, Ichinomiya, Aichi 494-0003, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 80-4300-9809
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Latitude: 35.3114145, Longitude: 136.7573442

komentarze 5

  • yoshiaki



    Free bean sprouts and a bowl of rice I received a large serving of Saburo ramen noodles~m(_ _)m The noodles were smooth and delicious (^_^) I guess I'll go there for a while (lol) This time, I received a large serving of meat soba thick noodles (^_^) Free bean sprouts and a bowl of rice is a blessing for rice lovers (lol) Salt ramen cannot be served in a large size ~(^_^) I made a big bowl of rice on my own~lol

  • たかあきたろ



    Ramen shop “Menya Saburo” in Ozai, Ichinomiya This is a store with many strong fans. It's been a while since I visited. I went there after 7:00pm on a weekday, and the parking lot in front of the store was full, so I parked my car in a gravel parking lot a little further away and entered the store. The system here is interesting. (Please read this if you are planning to enter the store for the first time) 🍜Saburo 850 yen (noodles are normal) Be careful as it is quite expensive 🥚Boiled egg 130 yen 🐷3 pieces of boiled pork 350 yen I bought it with a meal ticket. 【Part 1】 Select the item you want to eat using the food ticket machine on the left side of the entrance. [Part 2] Purchase a ticket and hand it to the clerk through the small window. You will receive a number tag, and when it is finished, you will be called with that number tag. [Part 3] Fill yourself with water and take a seat of your choice. [Part 4] As soon as your number is called, go get it. Also, one serving of rice 🍚 is provided, so serve as much as you can eat. The seasonings are also there. [Part 5] Arrange as many bean sprouts as you want at the bean sprout bar. There is also a separate container, so you can arrange it as you like. You can eat rice with just these bean sprouts 😁 [Part 6] Just eat! The ramen, soup, chashu, and bean sprouts are delicious! The image is similar to Jiro's. [Part 7] Please take the tableware you have eaten to the return area and leave the store. The customer service and taste are self-service, but it's nice because you can adjust the amount of various things to your own taste. It's a flavor that I sometimes want to eat. Anyway, bean sprouts are the best 👍

  • ももパパ



    I ate salt ramen. It was delicious❗ The noodles are of normal thickness, and the straight noodles are neatly arranged in a bowl. If it's salt, even if it's a little thinner. Although the soup was not very clear, it had plenty of flavor, but for some reason I could taste the taste of fishmeal. Rice and bean sprouts are provided. This shop is self-service, so it can be difficult at first if you are not used to it❗

  • ぶどういちご



    It seems to be always crowded at lunchtime, so be sure to leave plenty of time! The amount is relatively large. It's quite a large serving of thick noodles. Be careful if you are a woman or someone who is not confident. Boiled eggs and grilled pork are really delicious. A very energetic female clerk will provide you with pleasant customer service!

  • アリエッティ



    Not used at Nagoya Sakae First used in 2015 at current location, used irregularly since then Even though the price will increase by 50 yen in December 2023, I'm grateful that I can still get a high-quality cup for less than 1000 yen. At our store, we often order monthly specials, but you can't go wrong with the standard ones. January 2023 Limited Bonito Chinese Soba 900 yen A cup reminiscent of the old Taishoken December 2023 Limited edition cilantro, ginger, and onion sauce noodles (xian tsai jiang zong jiang meen = a bowl of meat noodle soup with green onions, ginger, and powdered coriander) 950 yen March 2024 Limited edition Setouchi salt size 950 yen (same size as average size) Good balance of seafood and pork bones The flavor of shellfish that goes from the back of your throat to your nose

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