Route-Inn Grantia Komaki in Komaki

JapanRoute-Inn Grantia Komaki


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2-chōme-33 Shinkoki, Komaki, Aichi 485-0074, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 568-71-0011
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.2832474, Longitude: 136.8944198

kommentare 5

  • Tony Chang

    Tony Chang


    This building was probably acquired by the Route Inn group as it is very big compared to the other hotels they operate. Very nice facilities but missing a communal bath, which is an essential part of the Japanese stay experience.

  • Cielo Reyes

    Cielo Reyes


    The room is spacious. And the restaurant downstairs is affordable and the food was yummy.

  • Christine S

    Christine S


    A reasonably priced hotel, with big onsen and many parking space. It's kinda in the middle of nowhere except a 7-11 which is 5 mins or so of walking distance. However there are plenty of restaurants with a short drive by car. We ate at the restaurant in the hotel because we don't want to drive after dark, and it was standard Route Inn restaurant food. Always love their curry. :) I think it is an older hotel being purchased and rebranded by route inn, so it is a bit different from other route inns.

  • mrsm



    Stayed one night, ok breakfast, with nearby minimart and not much around for entertainment. No onsen, no bottled water supplied and no English program on TV. Has their own restaurant.

  • fon niya

    fon niya


    Dear Hotel Route-Inn Grantia Komaki I write this to express my gratitude for your excellent after service. I am very please and also unexpected to receive my lost iPhone. Will definitely stay at your hotel and also recommended my friends who will go to Japan to have a stay with your hotel. Ref: I was travelling with iJapan agency. Checked in 07/02/19 Checked out 08/02/19

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