Aqua Ignis in Komono

JapanAqua Ignis



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒510-1233 Mie, Mie District, Komono, 菰野4800−1
kontakte telefon: +81 59-394-7733
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.0133699, Longitude: 136.4825798

kommentare 5

  • YuSong Chang

    YuSong Chang


    Hot spring here is cheap and nice. It costs just only 600 Yen. And the facilities is good and clean. It also offers outdoor hotspring. You can use your own towel here, to save a little money from borrowing theirs. No general food here.

  • 山下浩子



    easy to access by a car. It contains some restaurants and shops, 2 Italian restaurants, 2 Japanese restaurants, a bakery and a cake shop, strawberry and veggie farm, hot spring public bath, massage, and accommodation. 2 popular cheves and 1 patisserie produce their restaurants. they provide delicious food made from local harvest at stylish and beautiful buildings. hot spring is also opens until 24:00 and has a cafe, rest space, and a souvenir shop.

  • Andrew Chan

    Andrew Chan


    Hotel has a very nice environment. Modernised building and new design. Japanese food served at the Japanese restaurant was great, tasty and presentable. Though the hot spring, which opens to the general public with small cost, was a little over crowded on a Sunday. Do recommend the hotel to restrict 1 or 2 hours of the day to just reserve for the hotel guests. Overall, it was clean and tidy but some areas were slightly deteriorated.

  • Banana Guard

    Banana Guard


    I can only speak for the hot spring, but everything about it was incredible. The building itself is very modern with a small shop for food, snacks, and souvenirs. The baths were nice and well maintained with a number of options including indoor, outdoor, and personal.

  • xabbujapan



    I love this spa. The baths are great, view amazing. Bamboo growing next to your bath. The is a great bread shop too. Nice lounge area. New highway is being build too close to the onzen.

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