肉匠 甚 w Higashiosaka

Japonia肉匠 甚



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-16-24号 Ajiro, Higashiosaka, Osaka 577-0841, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 6-6721-2911
strona internetowej: www.nikusho-jin.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.6625, Longitude: 135.5619528

komentarze 5

  • 森下寿



    A shop run by meat lover Yamajin! Apparently they also serve lunch, but I haven't experienced it yet. For dinner, reservations are required for course only! You can choose a course from sukiyaki, shabu-shabu, chanko, and tecchiri! The price is only 3800 yen and 5800 yen (Tecchiri only current price). The entrance is tucked away in a back alley, and the interior has a luxurious feel. Our large wine cellar always has more than a dozen dishes to match. The owner is also studying to be a sommelier, so he knows a lot about wine, and you can get rare wines, so it's a shop that's great for wine connoisseurs. The meat for the course is the best quality Japanese beef of the day. It's a luxurious course to the fullest before you get to the main hotpot, and if you eat a small meal, you'll be full (^^; It starts with the side dish, followed by assorted fresh fish, roast beef ①, assorted sirloin roast beef and roast pork, followed by the main hotpot and udon noodles! It's reasonably priced because it's done by a butcher and because it's located in Higashiosaka! It is very convenient to use for dates, dinners, and entertainment! We also have an all-you-can-drink menu for 4 people or more, so it's perfect for parties with a large number of people.

  • yotsuba



    Lunch set meal 1070 yen!! ️ My stomach is very satisfied❗ The rice is a little soft I like miso soup because it's sweet 🎵 Any side dish will go well with rice✨

  • チャッキーk



    I think the owner is the son of Yamajin, who is famous for his croquettes. Originally a butcher shop, the steaks are reasonably priced and delicious. The highest price for lunch is around 2,500 yen, and I'm very satisfied with the quality meat. The wine is frankly too expensive and not worth the generous price. The fried food for lunch, which costs around 1,000 yen, is served by the adjacent Yamajin Croquette fryer. It seems like a system that carries

  • 山本祐司



    [Special feature on Yakiniku lunch while restricting carbohydrates] I moved to Osaka for my son to go to university. R2.4.1 (Wednesday) However, the university It seems like it hasn't started yet... in, Yakiniku lunch near the boarding house Nikutho Jin (Ashiro, Higashiosaka City, Osaka Prefecture) I came to The store is If I didn't know you were having lunch It's on a side street of a shopping street. Located in a difficult to understand location, At first, I was shocked by the thick door at the entrance on the second floor. I was even more surprised by the luxurious feel inside the store. I asked for Special Yakiniku set meal 1,580 yen (excluding tax) Even domestically produced Kuroge Wagyu beef - 7 slices of good meat moreover Raw meat? I feel like big roast beef Two pieces on top of a heaping salad. It comes out. Also, with rice, miso soup, and pickles. This price. and, If you try it It makes me want to scream Delicious meat Please come visit us when you come to Higashiosaka!

  • SK Park

    SK Park


    It's a meat restaurant run by a butcher shop near Fuse Station, and the wine list and lunch menu are also good. The pork cutlet set meal was the best value for money.

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