Torian Fuseten w Higashiosaka

JaponiaTorian Fuseten



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-10-23 Chōdō, Higashiosaka, Osaka 577-0056, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 6-6618-4123
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.6656046, Longitude: 135.5629274

komentarze 5

  • つばき。



    Fried chicken is so delicious that I often use it in bento boxes for lunch. Once, I ordered a large serving of fried chicken for my lunch and was about to take it home and eat it. There were only 4 pieces of fried chicken. What is a large serving...???? have become. I ate it after I got back to work, so I thought it would be a good idea to go out of my way in the heat to say hello again. When I looked at the paper pasted inside, I think it was usually 4 or 5 large servings, but has that changed due to price increases? Whether it's a mistake or a price increase, I would like them to write in terms of the number of fried chicken pieces rather than in terms of large servings. That's easier to understand. Fried chicken is really delicious.

  • Sa



    I like the taste of the fried chicken here and am a regular customer, but I was given 100 to 200 grams less than when I ordered. . Two times in a row recently. I hope it's a mistake and not intentional. Since it is prepaid, please confirm upon receipt.

  • まーぼー



    Torian is a fried chicken specialty store. After eating it for the first time at the Suzuka store in Mie Prefecture, I became a fan of Torian, and the fried chicken here is my favorite. However, there are only 3 stores in Osaka. Ever since the store in Sakai closed down, I haven't been able to eat there very often, so I was happy to be able to eat here for the first time in a while. All of the fried chicken is delicious, and I recommend the salty breast meat. Even if it's cold, it's still delicious if you warm it up in the microwave. Payment is in cash only. I'm really jealous of Fuse, which has Torian nearby 😊

  • たまや三毛猫



    When I went there at the end of December 2022, the price of fried chicken had increased. Well, it can't be helped because prices are going up... There are limits to corporate efforts! Because it's delicious, I would be in trouble if the store were to close, so I bought a lot of them and gave them to friends as well to show my support. Previously, it was open until 9 p.m., but now it's open until 8 p.m. Sales will also end when there are no more ingredients to fry. In the reviews below, there are two people who write about the yakitori restaurant's ramen, fast drinks, and stovetop dishes, but this is a take-out fried chicken restaurant. Eat-in is not possible. I feel bad for the reviews. When I showed it to the store clerk, she was surprised to find out that this wasn't ours at all. Somehow I'm confusing it with another store. I was shocked after reading the reviews. My husband is from Oita Prefecture, so he loves fried chicken from Nakatsu and toriten from Oita. That's why I love fried chicken. I usually buy 4 to 6 bags of 200 grams and share them with friends, making them happy.

  • Ted You

    Ted You


    Well fried chicken, you can take out and have it easily, it is quite convenient.

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