Rotisserie Un Deux Shizuoka Takajo en Shizuoka

JapónRotisserie Un Deux Shizuoka Takajo



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒420-0839 Shizuoka, Aoi Ward, Takajō, 1-chōme−10−10 シャンビア 鷹匠 1F
contactos teléfono: +81 54-260-6322
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.9765635, Longitude: 138.3882342

comentarios 5

  • J W

    J W


    The hamburger steak was served with bright-looking vegetables and was very delicious! If it's nearby, I'll pass by! ! Thank you for the meal😋

  • # a

    # a


    I visited for lunch 🍽 The hamburger, soup, and salad were all delicious ✨️ It was a wonderful atmosphere◎

  • Morgane



    A cozy restaurant with excellent food and service. Each dish was beautifully presented and the famous roasted chicken was very tasty 👌🏻

  • Yukiko I

    Yukiko I


    I used it for lunch. A rare salad with zero leftovers! I enjoyed the taste and texture. The seasoning of the soup was a little light at first, but I was able to change the flavor with the powdered cheese and I thought it was pretty good. The main hamburger steak was juicy and the cheese and sauce went well together. The quality of each vegetable really stood out and it was really delicious. Thank you for the meal. ⚠︎After writing reviews twice, my previous comment disappeared(?)😭, so some of the photos are from when I visited for dinner.

  • Thomas



    Good place with good prices. Definitely a French/Japanese hybrid, but a nice spot for a night!

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