レストラン MITA en Shizuoka

Japónレストラン MITA



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒422-8067 Shizuoka, Suruga Ward, Minamichō, 11−17 プレステージ南
contactos teléfono: +81 54-282-9876
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.9690878, Longitude: 138.390709

comentarios 5

  • SACH



    Visited for lunch for the first time in about 10 years. Many madams line up even before lunch starts. Select triple lunch from the menu. Hamburg steak, fried shrimp, cream croquette. Delicious as always! I also recommend the corn soup that comes with it. I want to go again. Payment is in cash only.

  • 安井麻代



    Used for lunch. Although it is a little far from the station, you can enjoy a delicious Western lunch for around 1000 yen. Last time I visited, I had the daily lunch special, and it was so delicious that I came back again. This time, I had a choice of pair lunch, and I chose a plate of hamburger and fried shrimp. The shrimp were large and filling, and the hamburger was also delicious. Additionally, soup is included. On this day, I had pumpkin soup, which was also delicious. It's always crowded no matter what time I go, but most people come during work hours and don't stay that long, so I think the turnover is relatively quick. The inside of the restaurant is small, and there are counter seats and table seats, and if you are alone, you will be guided to the counter seat. The atmosphere is like an old-fashioned Western restaurant. I would like to try other menu items next time.

  • TOO NY

    TOO NY


    Satisfied with taste, volume, atmosphere, and price! We had a triple lunch! Roast beef...it's well seasoned, but the wasabi makes it refreshing. The hamburger steak has a meaty feel, and you can feel the commitment to the meat as it also contains Japanese beef. Fried shrimp...The shrimp has a head, and you can clearly see the tail and the shrimp miso flavor. It has a lot of meat in it, so it's not just fried shrimp with batter, so I highly recommend it! It was the best!

  • Zooey Glass

    Zooey Glass


    What a place honestly, I felt like in Taniguchi's Kodoku no Gurume. Loved the atmosphere at lunch and loved the food.

  • eek0212



    my favorite "pseudo western" restaurant in shizuoka. everytime i visit shizuoka i visit this place for having some lunch(its my personal routine). they have good hamburger, ginger pork, cutlets and beef stew and also some nama biru(draft beer). highly recommend visit here on lunch hour. you can pick small portions of their best menu with reasonable prices (800 to 1500 yen i guess)

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