ロルキデ·ブランシュ/オテルグレージュ w Munakata




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒811-3501 Fukuoka, Munakata, Kōnominato, 600 オテル グレージュ
kontakt telefon: +81 940-38-7700
strona internetowej: www.greges.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.847835, Longitude: 130.4833195

komentarze 5

  • 楓榎



    As expected, I was very satisfied this time. However, is it better to visit this restaurant during the day? (You can't see any great scenery at night!) We had a great wedding anniversary, spending time relaxing in a nice room and having food that exceeded our expectations. I think the polite and calm manners of the staff made the food even more delicious. Thank you.

  • S S・M

    S S・M


    Used for birthday The staff were also very nice, and the chef went around to each table explaining the dishes. I was able to enjoy the conversation from beginning to end with witty conversations that sometimes made me laugh. Unfortunately, it was raining that day, but I think it's the best restaurant with a panoramic view of the ocean. If it's summer, it might be nice to have an early dinner and watch the sunset.

  • tomato momoiro

    tomato momoiro


    The view of Hôtel Greige is overflowing with the power of the sea, and it is a location that everyone who visits will fall in love with. There is a French restaurant called L'Orchi des Blanches. By skillfully using local ingredients and layering flavors, you can enjoy delicious dishes that you won't be able to comprehend in just one bite. I love seafood, and I was able to finish the classic Rossini made with Munakata beef, as I liked the way the meat was grilled. The cuisine of Chef Kenma Hyodo, who has achieved excellent results in numerous competitions such as the Bocuse d'Or and the Patekroute World Championship, is a dish that can be enjoyed after the hardships of a chef who looked at the world from Japan. Maybe I'll see you there. I'm sure you'll want to go on a trip to try Chef Hyodo's cuisine. ⭐️Dinner during my stay...I stayed overnight with a special dinner from Chef Hyodo. I wonder what the meal would have been like if it didn't come with a special dinner? I wanted to know. The dishes seem to change monthly.

  • ちえこ



    We went for lunch on our wedding anniversary. I hadn't been to Munakata recently, so I didn't know that such a stylish hotel had been built. The food was very artistic and I enjoyed both its appearance and taste. The sea from the table is also very beautiful, so you should go on a sunny day. Thanks to Google Maps, I was able to find a nice store. I would like to go again for my anniversary or birthday.

  • だーこ



    The view is good and it feels very nice when it's sunny. All of the dishes and desserts are delicious, with careful attention to taste, texture, and ingredients, and are visually appealing, making your heart flutter as soon as they are served. I have been a fan of this product and have been coming back to it ever since I used it once. If you want to eat delicious food in a stylish space, this is a wonderful restaurant that we highly recommend.

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