Rokuryu i Kawasaki




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26 Higashifuruichiba, Saiwai Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 212-0051, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 44-522-5044
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Latitude: 35.5518345, Longitude: 139.6926453

kommentar 5

  • ハマのクジラ



    This was my first visit after learning about it from a local. B set (fried rice + gyoza) Large serving with high expectations +250 yen I arrived before noon, but people kept coming in one after another, and by noon the place was full. I feel like everyone ordered a lot from today's lunch. Now, the long-awaited B set! After sipping the soup, I started with the gyoza. Since it's Kawasaki, I had it with miso sauce, but the sauce was lighter than I expected, and the skin was chewy and delicious. The main character, fried rice... The lumpy rice that hadn't been stir-fried was cold and I felt disappointed from the first bite. The overall finish was lukewarm and oily, and the sweetness preceded the salty taste, so I gave up halfway through and left the restaurant feeling apologetic. Next time, I think I'll try some stir-fried food!

  • たぼ



    I got the mapo noodles (900 yen). Whether it's a coincidence or it's calculated, we don't fight each other and have a good balance. My first visit to the store was a surprise, but next time I'll try the lunch set, ramen and half fried rice (1050 yen). Looking at what other people ordered, the volume was quite large. Sorry if I left it behind lol

  • 千葉住雄



    This is a Chinese restaurant near Miyuki Park. Since the location is far from the center of Kawasaki, it seems like this restaurant is used exclusively by regulars nearby. It looked like a Chinese restaurant, so I tried the standard fried rice and gyoza first. I ate it. The fried rice is moist and has a texture that feels more like it has been warmed than stir-fried. The fried rice itself is average, but the char siu gives it a nice flavor, which makes it delicious. Gyoza is quite delicious. The skin is plump and the inside is juicy. Handmade dumplings are clearly good and bad, but the ones here are delicious. no doubt. I'd like to try other menu items, but I might not get a chance because the location is far away. I would like to try the garlic fried rice next time I come. --- 2022/12 added I visited again. I had the garlic fried rice. Garlic chips are used for garlic. It was very different from the image, but the taste and texture were good. It's delicious. However, it stinks the next day.

  • ウッフン転がし



    A Chinese restaurant next to Miyuki Park. Although it's crowded, the atmosphere is warm, probably because it's run by families. The store is very clean and spacious at the back. Garlic fried rice is very addictive! postscript This time I ordered a lunch set. Added menu and store appearance.

  • NightWalker wayo

    NightWalker wayo


    I went to ``Rokuryu'' near Miyuki Park to try ``Garlic fried rice from Aomori'' to try and cheer up on such a hot day, which I had been curious about for a while. It's not a local Chinese restaurant, it's a regular Chinese restaurant.  I visited at 12:50, a little after lunch, but the 9 tables were full💦 It's a very popular restaurant among locals.  Today I ordered the ``daily lunch'' for 880 yen, the ``large size of noodles'' for 150 yen, and the ``gyoza'' for 400 yen. Today's daily special was ``large serving of chilled ramen, half fried rice''. I wanted to try the ``Aomori Garlic Fried Rice'' (900 yen), but I was defeated by the heat wave and the alluring keyword ``chilled''.  Probably due to the high volume of orders, it took a long time for me to be worried whether my order would go through or not, but the "gyoza" arrived first at 1:15 p.m.  that? I should have ordered the ``Lunch Gyoza'' with 3 gyoza for 240 yen, but in front of me was the default ``Gyoza'' with 5 gyoza (^_^;)  The gyoza is chewy and plump, and the main ingredient is chives, and it's quite delicious. As expected from Kawasaki Gyoza restaurants, ``Gyoza Miso Sauce'' was served instead of vinegar and soy sauce. The miso sauce is delicious, but the flavor of the miso is so strong that it obscures the original taste of the gyoza (^^;;  At 1:23 p.m., a little while after the gyoza, the "chilled ramen and half fried rice set" arrived.  When it's hot, I wear casual clothes...But, the chilled ramen is very simple, and the only ingredients are cucumber and bean sprouts😢  Yeah?! Rather than talking about the water content, the former thin noodles and current medium thin noodles have already absorbed a lot of water. The soup stock should have worked, but it turned watery... ``Ramen soup with strong dashi stock and no fat'', unfortunately the taste is not strong. I want sourness. In this case, hiyashi chuka might be more delicious😋  Half fried rice is not 1/2, but 1/4 fried rice. The seasoning is low in salt and is gentle on the body. Maybe garlic fried rice from Aomori would be more flavorful and delicious?  Next time I'll have regular ramen and Aomori garlic fried rice lol

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