Rokkatei Sapporo Main Store in Sapporo

JapanRokkatei Sapporo Main Store



🕗 öffnungszeiten

6-chōme-3-3 Kita 4 Jōnishi, Chuo Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0004, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 120-126-666
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 43.0659401, Longitude: 141.3465738

kommentare 5

  • Edwina



    First floor is for shopping, while the cafe is located in the second floor. No wait to be seated. Tried their matcha latte, Yukikon Cheese and icecream butter sand. The ice cream butter sand was my favourite! They had other seasonal sweets and some savoury food as well like pizza and soup.

  • 迴紋針



    Rum raisin butter sand ice cream is sold here at 250 yen each. Service is good and the atmosphere is elegant but relaxing.

  • Roxane Medeiros

    Roxane Medeiros


    What a unique store filled with delicate patries, cookies, butter sandwiches, chocolates, monakas,etc. The entrance is very well designed, the service is courteous and rapid. I had to try the butter sandwiches cookies with vanilla icecream with raisins. Fabulous!

  • Katong Panda

    Katong Panda


    The ice cream butter cookies with raisin are fantastic. Too bad, cannot buy them for souvenirs. The Azuki beans soup is super sweet. Not recommended. The cafe at level 2 closes at 430pm, and the gifts shop at level 1 closes at 530pm.

  • Monsicha Pongrujikorn

    Monsicha Pongrujikorn


    One of the best snacks makers of Hokkaido - this is the main store with a cafe (but it was full so we couldn't get seats). Bought a bunch of snacks to try (helpfully indicated which ones weren't available at the airport) and found that most of them were delicious. The classic butter sand (the store had fresh ice cream versions too), were of course good but a number of other less popular ones like the walnut cake and the strawberry puff were good too. Their madelenes were fluffy and buttery and most of the desserts were not overpowering sweet.

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