本格焼肉清香園 平成店 en Kumamoto

Japón本格焼肉清香園 平成店



🕗 horarios

2-chōme-3-8 Heisei, Minami Ward, Kumamoto, 860-0833, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 96-334-2911
sitio web: www.1129.cc
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.7773462, Longitude: 130.7033251

comentarios 5

  • nn m

    nn m


    I ate from 7pm, but my tablet ran out of charge soon after I ordered. I asked the staff, but they didn't bring it and I couldn't place an order during that time, so I was disappointed in the slow response. The food was delicious, but the meat didn't come at all, so the sausages, rice, and side dishes came first. This is the place where you want beer first. I think it takes a lot of time to prepare a large plate of meat, but I think the timing of serving is also important. I would like you to at least think from the customer's perspective. I'll go here and there, but I think it would be better to study a little about other companies in the same industry. Recommended for those who don't mind.

  • sym



    Everything was delicious. Especially the thickly sliced ​​green onion shisotan and beef soba.

  • Kuroda



    At lunch time on Saturday, I had to wait for about 2 groups, but I was guided right away. Pair set? I ordered 3,400 yen, but I was satisfied with the amount of meat. It was helpful to be able to get refills of rice, soup, and salad, and to order everything using the touch panel. It's also a private room.

  • 白撥中



    I had Yakiniku at the celebration dinner 🍴🙏 Since we were a large group, we chose Family Set B, Hormone Set, Salted Tongue, Pickled Ribs, and Garlic Ribs. I also ate my favorite green onion rice and Chinese cabbage kimchi❗ The meat here is always fresh and delicious, even if it's cheap👌 I recommend the hormone set with miso flavor, salted tongue, green onion rice, and Chinese cabbage kimchi. The staff are very friendly and the rooms are private, so you can relax 👍️

  • 池田一穂(カズ)



    It's great because you can relax and enjoy lunch and dinner in a private room. Sometimes when a drunk guy with a loud voice sits next to me, it might bother me (lol) But the meat is also good, and you can enjoy a variety of meat at this restaurant. Recently, new menu items have been added. I think you can enjoy it again

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