Rihga Royal Hotel Tokyo i Shinjuku-ku

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Japan, 〒169-8613 Tōkyō-to, Shinjuku-ku, Totsukamachi, 1 Chome−104−19
Kontakter telefon: +81 3-5285-1121
Hjemmeside: www.rihga.co.jp
Latitude: 35.7103853, Longitude: 139.7225569
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Kommentar 5

  • Joshua Durzi

    Joshua Durzi


    The dinner was very nice. Although most rooms are smoking rooms, it is not a strong smoke odor. Very nice hotel

  • pang ietro

    pang ietro


    Location is not well placed, however there a free shuttle bus to and fro from the Tadanobaba station to the hotel. Room is moderate, nothing to be impress about. Staff os top notch though

  • Audun Drageset

    Audun Drageset


    Excellent and welcoming staff. Good breakfest. Close (10 min walk) to subway and with a shuttle buss to and from Takatanobaba station the hotell is easily accessible. Beautifull interior. An excellent stay.

  • Melanie Hogan

    Melanie Hogan


    First time traveling to japan this hotel was outstanding, yes it’s a little further out of the main area but there is a shuttle bus which was great. The room was amazing large size and a beautiful view over looking the gardens. The staff were amazing friendly and helpful. One staff member was all ways there to help as out when we needed something so thank you Kosuke. We will be back to stay soon. Thank you for making our stay in your beautiful hotel/ country enjoyable and stress free.

  • Christina Smart

    Christina Smart


    I love the Rhiga so much! Amazing place next to beautiful gardens and close to some truly amazing places to eat. 😍💕💖

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