Guest House Tokyo/ゲストハウス東京 i 新宿区

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Japan, 〒162-0808 東京都, 新宿区, 天神町 天神町64, プラスワンビル
Kontakter telefon: +81 70-5016-1163
Latitude: 35.705162, Longitude: 139.730127
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Kommentar 5

  • Anthony D

    Anthony D


    You get kore space than a capsule hotel, but you hear more too. Excellent price, has kitchen and wifi.

  • ポーリンナタ




  • 太田雄介



    シェアハウスはいろいろ住んだり見学したりしてみたけど、総合的に一番コスパがいい気がする。特に海外興味あるひと。 for rent price, location, facility and people, I guess here's one of the best place to live if you're ok with dorm room (actually better than other dorms for such price range)

  • キシマドカ




  • Buch Stabe

    Buch Stabe


    Great option for budget travelers: It has all you need and the staff is very nice and super helpful. If you are going to Coto language school, the school is less than 5 minutes away from the Kagurazaka subway station, and you can walk to Iidabashi in about 10-15 minutes, through streets with little traffic that are packed with little shops, French bakeries and all kinds of restaurants. There are several convenience stores close to the guest house where you can get ready-made meals to heat up in the guest house kitchen. The guest house has large living room with kitchen, kosatsu, tv and computer, and if you're looking for company, there's always someone in the living room, nearly around the clock. If you arrive in the middle of winter, be prepared that it can be a bit chilly in the dorm depending on which bed you get. Since warm air tends to move up, the upper beds are naturally warmer than the lower ones. My travel alarm clock displays the room temperature and on the colder days, it showed between 13.5 to 15 degree Celsius in the morning in a lower bed close to a wall. It's also a good idea to bring a warm bathrobe because the shower boxes are on the rooftop.

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