RIHGA Royal Hotel Kokura in Kitakyushu

JapanRIHGA Royal Hotel Kokura


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2-chōme-14-14番2号 Asano, Kokurakita Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 802-0001, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 93-531-1121
webseite: www.rihga.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.888163, Longitude: 130.8850861

kommentare 5

  • Ngando Noel

    Ngando Noel


    It was a fun experience. I liked the politeness of the staffs and room service was exquisite

  • Wouter Malaga

    Wouter Malaga


    Great location with stunning views, comfy beds very spacious and even a gym with good equipment for a total workout

  • Mike Wong

    Mike Wong


    clean room, with excellent view (24/F), quiet location and yet very close to train station (no need for umbrella if it rain)

  • Ioannis Chatzigiannakis

    Ioannis Chatzigiannakis


    Excellent location, right next to the Kokura station. Practically speaking a 5 minutes walk. The restaurant at the roof of the hotel offers high quality food with delicate service. Rooms very spacious with great views.

  • Ho Japhie

    Ho Japhie


    The location is perfect - it is very close to JR Kokura Station, shopping malls and Aruaru City. It only takes less than 20 minutes to get to Mojiko Station and Kitakyushu Outlets. The service is excellent, although the rooms are a bit dated as it has been in business for quite a long time. However, the ocean view from our room on 22nd floor is amazing!!

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