Richmond Hotel en Yamagata

JapónRichmond Hotel


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1-chōme-3-11 Futabachō, Yamagata, 990-0828, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 23-647-6277
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Latitude: 38.2487533, Longitude: 140.3245114

comentarios 5

  • Welly



    Room is bigger than the usual other hotel in Japan, very close to the train station, clean. Check in is at 2 and check out is at 11 which is very generous.

  • Victoria M

    Victoria M


    This hotel is new, modern and clean. Yet it is very overpriced considering the fact that they have no gym, no onsen and even the parking is for extra fee. Also, the staff is not very welcoming. There are similarly modern hotels in Yamagata that are better located, offer more facilities, staff is nicer and they are better priced like daiwa roynet hotel.

  • Bezaleel Oh

    Bezaleel Oh


    If you want to come to Yamagata for any reason, you may think you have many choices for hotel room. However, if you consider the location closed to the JR station, convenient stores, and shopping for souvenirs, you got only one choice, the Richmond hotel. Until 0:00am, open its lounge with free soft drinks.

  • Jia-Heng Tsou

    Jia-Heng Tsou


    The price is really affordable and the room is very spacious. But there is some dust on the head of the bed. What is dissatisfying is that the price of breakfast is different from the 1300 yen written on Agoda. The price has been increased to 1600 yen, and there are not many choices. The bread is packed, much like an airplane meal bag, it’s a pity that there is no croissant. However the all day free drink is good. Overall good place to stay.

  • Danny Messenger

    Danny Messenger


    Fantastic accommodation and close to everything. Rooms are comfortable and warm. Our double room included a massage chair...amazing! A close walk to 7-11, Station and restaurants. English at reception was not fantastic, but enough to get by. I would certainly return here.

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