Resona Bank Umeda Branch in Osaka

JapanResona Bank Umeda Branch



🕗 öffnungszeiten

8-1 Kakudachō, Kita Ward, Osaka, 530-0017, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 6-6312-8571
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.7028174, Longitude: 135.4985326

kommentare 5

  • 齋藤太郎(Sushi With Ketchup)

    齋藤太郎(Sushi With Ketchup)


    I came to the store to have my card reissued due to an error, but I didn't receive the kind of unfriendly service mentioned here! The person at the counter was kind and personable. However, it was a little crowded and I had to wait about 20 minutes...but that can't be helped. I'm glad I came during my lunch break.

  • かわかみ



    A long time ago, when I was working at a telecommunications company in an office near JR Osaka Station, I would sometimes go to the office in Osaka/Fukushima for three months to provide operational support for an affiliated company. Around that time, I needed to open an account with Resona Bank to receive the expenses I had been paying on behalf of my partner company, so before I went, I called to confirm what I needed and if it was possible to open one, and then I decided to open one at the Umeda branch. However, even though I work in Umeda, I was asked where I was currently working, and when I told them Osaka and Fukushima, they asked me to make the food there. When I contacted the Fukushima branch later, I was told that since my workplace is close to Umeda, I would like to have the product made at the Umeda branch. I didn't trust them, so instead of opening an account, I paid the transfer fee and had it transferred to a different financial institution. That kind of thing happened.

  • m O

    m O


    I can understand that other people's reviews are bad. Due to insufficient guidance and incorrect explanations at the counter, I ended up visiting the store three times for the same procedure. Also, not only at this store, but when I make inquiries over the phone, I get passed around, and I feel nothing but distrust towards Resona. I won't use it anymore.

  • edu shin

    edu shin


    0 or minus stars. I went to exchange money for new bills. Everyone from the receptionist to the person I interacted with had nothing but bad feelings from beginning to end. If you're going to work so reluctantly, you should all just quit. I mean, if there's a money exchange machine, is there anyone next to it? Are you standing there to make me uncomfortable? I guess they only want to deal with large customers. In the end, it didn't help, and Sumitomo Mitsui also used a ladder, but It was made by machine under the same conditions, so I felt safer that way. The guide was also nice.

  • Toshihiro Terawaki

    Toshihiro Terawaki


    I can't reach this store. Even though it's on the 24th floor, you can't get there from the 1st floor. Refuses visitors. I have no desire to do business. They are making fun of individual customers. I've had an account with Daiwa Bank for over 40 years, but I can't stand it anymore. Cancel your account.

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