Resona Bank Kuzuha Branch in Hirakata

JapanResona Bank Kuzuha Branch



🕗 öffnungszeiten

12-5 Kuzuhahanazonochō, Hirakata, Osaka 573-1121, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 72-855-2811
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.8606795, Longitude: 135.6758707

kommentare 5

  • mioxx



    Poor response from employees. The point is bad. And he has a bad attitude. For some reason, he seems very bossy. I apologize for the inconvenience, but the way I apologize is too great. I would never have gone to a place like this if I hadn't been designated to have my salary withdrawn.

  • Chris Monington

    Chris Monington


    Wasted an hour travelling to open an account only to be told it's appointment only, from there no help was given. Its quite inside nobody there and staff still wouldn't do anything. Utterly useless

  • ブルームーミン



    Resona Bank in front of Keihan Kuzuha Station When I asked where the parking lot was at the store, I was politely told the location. Both the man and woman at the reception were kind ^ ^ Nevertheless The woman at the counter was a little intimidating. I'm sorry.

  • Ikkun



    There are few Resona Bank branches. I charged my Merpay with Mercari payment, but the clerk was incomprehensible and took up my time and forced me to park on the street🚨 I shouldn't have asked. I don't use Resona Bank. I won't go.

  • なな



    The female counter staff was very responsive. I would like to thank you for your kindness in apologizing for my small mistake and for your prompt response. He was a consultant for many shops and did some amazing things, and I thought it was amazing even though he was young.

nächste Bank

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