Kitaosaka Shinkin Bank, Head Office in Ibaraki

JapanKitaosaka Shinkin Bank, Head Office



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9-32 Nishiekimaechō, Ibaraki, Osaka 567-0032, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 72-623-4981
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.8157896, Longitude: 135.5598692

kommentare 5

  • 田中誠(たぬき)



    I don't know, I haven't visited.

  • Garden Flower

    Garden Flower


    Before Juso Shinkin Bank merged with Settsu Suito Shinkin Bank, there was a manager named M-jou at the Higashi XX Branch where I was assigned, and he often bullied his juniors who were new graduates. Unlike my previous supervisor, I don't teach my work very carefully, but when it comes to small mistakes made by my juniors, I put my own mistakes on the shelf and try to ignore them. He kept saying this and taunting me relentlessly. He used persistent and insidious methods, such as cutting off relationships with people around him so that his juniors would become isolated, and driving them into mental health problems. Even when I was watching, the M-superior was stubbornly insistent on his own way of doing things, and was not very good with the rules, so even when other colleagues gave advice on how to proceed with work, there were times when he ignored the colleague who gave the advice and did not get involved. Because of this, it was extremely difficult to do. In addition, a man in the deposit department who had been with the company for three years was intentionally forcing his new juniors to adopt methods that slowed down their work during new employee training. Perhaps because I didn't want to be outwitted, there were times when I'd been doing something disrespectful without realizing it, so when I realized it, I warned them. Juso Shinkin was a credit union with a lot of problems, such as all the new graduate hires quitting within a year, and there was harassment like the one mentioned above, and there were a lot of problems with the management and management of the headquarters, so Settsu... I am glad that we merged with Suito Shinkin Bank.

  • 北村憲市




  • bittercup Oh

    bittercup Oh


    February 24, 2014 Juso Shinkin Bank and Settsu Suito Shinkin Bank merged.

  • wakimoto hideshi

    wakimoto hideshi


    A Shinkin Bank that is very passionate about the local community

nächste Bank

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