Resona Bank Kamata Branch en Ota City

JapónResona Bank Kamata Branch



🕗 horarios

5-chōme-27-10 Nishikamata, Ota City, Tokyo 144-0051, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3731-0101
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.564293, Longitude: 139.714507

comentarios 5

  • 勝


    That's no good~ A few years ago, when I was a branch manager, I was doing well, but now my response has become crappy! Could it be because times have changed and people think differently now? Are old men more susceptible to old age??? It took too long to respond, I kept them waiting too long, and it looks like I'll have no choice but to cancel! It's just my personal opinion, so don't take it too seriously! This was the impression of an old man who doesn't seem to want to get older.

  • Oにゃんこ



    The response time is impossibly slow. I myself am a banker at another bank, and this is impossible. And it's not just that business processing is slow. There was a Chinese person in front of me, but the lady at the counter didn't speak Chinese, she didn't speak English either, she didn't even try to speak, she didn't even try to use a translation app, and she just couldn't speak the same Japanese words. I just kept repeating it. The attitude toward multinational guests was discriminatory and oppressive, which made me feel sad. The lady at the counter with shoulder-length hair and the lady with a bun in the center (she had a very loud voice and couldn't even speak English) were especially the worst. I've already canceled my contract and won't be going again, but I don't recommend it.

  • Pratyash Parajuli

    Pratyash Parajuli



  • S U

    S U


    The lady at the reception desk had a very bad attitude and told me to make a reservation, but I had to wait even though I had made a reservation. Even though I was late, the lady at the counter didn't even say a single word of apology and spoke to me from the beginning, looking at me from above, which made me feel very bad. When I asked about my age, they laughed at me and it was so bad that I didn't even want to give them a 1 rating. My company's account is with Resona Bank, so I had no choice but to use it, but I thought it was a very unreliable bank. I think it's strange that other people's reviews have been posted with similar content, but it hasn't been improved. If you are considering using Resona Bank, we recommend choosing another bank.

  • DIW AD (Daniel)

    DIW AD (Daniel)


    Very good and the staff too are helpful. But the atm service is only after after 8 AM.

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