Renge i Hiroshima




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Japan, 〒731-0113 Hiroshima, Asaminami Ward, Nishihara, 8-chōme−63−4 グランドール西原 1階
kontakter telefon: +81 82-871-8720
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.4422771, Longitude: 132.4735496

kommentar 5

  • ほり



    Udon noodles with pumpkin and boiled eggs are delicious. I ate the tandan udon, and the chewy noodles made it very satisfying. The large chikuwa tempura meat udon and curry udon that my neighbor ate seem to be popular menu items, so I'd like to try those next time.

  • 岩田徹



    I saw this udon restaurant on Instagram. I was curious and visited the next day😅 I ordered udon with tempura, but there seemed to be a slight lag between the degree of frying of the tempura and the completion of the udon. The udon noodles were a little cold. I think it would have been even more delicious if it was hot 🤤 It was a good udon restaurant 😊

  • my kerolin.

    my kerolin.


    I ate udon noodles called Nikukawazu. Meat udon, wakame, plum, chikuwa tempura, green onion, and boiled egg. The soup stock is just right, and the plums and boiled eggs, which I've never had with udon, go well together. The chikuwa tempura is also crispy and perfectly fried. I was satisfied because I could enjoy various flavors. Next time I think I'll try the curry udon. The manager and staff provided good customer service and I had a pleasant lunch. thank you very much.

  • 仕事ばかり



    I received the meat udon. Unlike the meat udon at other restaurants, the thinly sliced ​​beef retains its shape. The result is a beefy flavor rather than an overly sweet broth. I like the way you cut green onions. You can really feel the texture and flavor of green onions. Dashi soup Is delicious. It was so gentle that I finished it. The noodles feel chewy and thick like Sanuki udon noodles. The rice balls are freshly made, hot and crumbly. Tempura has a crispy texture. You can really feel the flavor of each vegetable inside. Udon, tempura, musubi It's amazing that you can offer these three freshly made dishes at the same time. It was delicious. Parking was available not only in front of the store, but also in a large parking lot behind the building where the store was located. It was easy to park.

  • bsntb 015

    bsntb 015


    I ate shirunashi-tantan for 900 yen. The noodles were reasonably elastic, watery and delicious. Many ingredients are used, and I thought that 900 yen was not expensive. I want to go again.

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