R&B Hotel Sendai Hirose-dori Ekimae in Sendai

JapanR&B Hotel Sendai Hirose-dori Ekimae


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2-chōme-6-37 Honchō, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0014, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 22-726-1919
webseite: randb.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 38.2635167, Longitude: 140.8759556

kommentare 5

  • 犬田わん



    I used it for the first time in years. The day I stayed was on a weekend, and most hotels in Sendai City cost more than 13,000 yen, but here I was able to reserve a single room for 10,000 yen. Although the room is not large, I think it is clean and comfortable. It was a smoking room, so there was a slight smell of cigarettes, but it quickly dissipated. It's a little far from the downtown area, but it's quieter and there's a 7-Eleven nearby, so it's convenient. There are several affiliated parking lots nearby, so I think it's easy to use by car. It seems expensive at 10,000 yen, but the staff was kind and I'm glad I made a reservation.

  • Diem Tsu

    Diem Tsu


    Good location. The nearest JR station is Aobadori. The receptionist staff was very nice and helpful. Clean room. Self-made bread was delicious. I wasn’t pleased with the air-conditioning of the room. My bed was right under the air/conditioner so I felt hot with the 25 C degree in the room (meanwhile it was 1~3 C degree outside). The temperature was being controlled by the Control Center system so I could not adjust it. In my opinion, the air exchange was not very good.

  • Carlin Arthurs

    Carlin Arthurs


    Very clean, well kept hotel. It is a business hotel, so I was not expecting a large room, but was a little surprised by how small the room was. Overall, for the price, it was well worth it, as the room was comfortable, and the free Continental breakfast was a nice touch. Will definitely consider staying here again on my next trip to Sendai. Also located a short walk from both the station, and Kokubun Cho, so it is convenient for both travel, and drinking/eating out.

  • Hung Mai Cong

    Hung Mai Cong


    Good service but breakfast was boring

  • Rikin Acharya

    Rikin Acharya


    Nice Hotel

nächste Unterkunft

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