ラ・シャンブル幟町茶寮 i Hiroshima




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12-17 Noborichō, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0016, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 82-502-0170
internet side: lachambre.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.3944815, Longitude: 132.4653802

kommentar 5

  • かよ



    Went for lunch to celebrate a friend's birthday. The staff's customer service is also very pleasant. The rice was also delicious. In particular, I'm not good with salmon roe, so I usually leave it on, but this was the first time I'd eaten a meal with so much salmon roe on it. The dipping sauce didn't have a fishy smell and was smooth and delicious. I'll go again (`・ω・´)||

  • Emi



    It's been several years since I last visited him, but he remembered my taste in alcohol. Marriage for your suggestion. The food and wine were delicious. You could feel the spring in the ingredients, such as fresh caviar, abalone, butterflies, and strawberries. July 2022 I visited for lunch. The taste of the ingredients is important. Ayu cooked at low temperature, sea bream with crispy scales

  • hiro roc

    hiro roc


    Now that the coronavirus has calmed down a bit, I went out to dinner with a friend for the first time in a while. It's been a while since I've been here, and I thought it was a good restaurant, so I chose this place. Enjoy a carefully selected course in a quaint building that will leave your stomach and soul full.

  • l k

    l k


    I always use it for anniversaries. The dishes brought to us looked beautiful, and of course they were all delicious, so much so that it was a shame to finish them all. In particular, when I ate the salmon roe I received here, I was so impressed that I wondered what kind of salmon roe I had eaten so far.◎Not a single one was large and crumbled, and it made a popping sound in my mouth. It seemed like I could stand it up and play it◎ Just as the atmosphere conveys from the store's appearance, the inside of the store and the customer service are perfect for a special occasion. Whether it's day or night, the atmosphere is lovely.

  • ガチャピンムック



    I have a private room. It was a place with a very good atmosphere. However, I didn't know that this was the place to take off my shoes, so I ended up walking into the store barefoot since I was wearing sandals. I regret that I was rude to the store. It was a fun time talking about wine with the staff. The minced beef was so delicious that I bought it as a souvenir. Please, try it.

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