ćƒ©ćƒ¼ćƒ”ćƒ³ć®éƒ·ć‚ć¾ć®ć˜ć‚ƒć w Nishinomiya




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 怒662-0911 Hyogo, Nishinomiya, Ikedachō, 11āˆ’ļ¼‘ ćƒ•ćƒ¬ćƒ³ćƒ†č„æå®® 1F
kontakt telefon: +81 798-32-8555
strona internetowej: www.ra-mennosatoamanojaku.com
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 34.737877, Longitude: 135.3480524

komentarze 5

  • N Ami

    N Ami


    A ramen shop located in Frente Nishinomiya. Ordered miso ramen, tomato ramen set, and gyoza. Miso is a mild soup. It may have a slightly salty taste. Tomato ramen has a strong tomato taste. Moderate acidity. The set comes with powdered cheese and rice, but the amount of powdered cheese is good. At the end, we had a delicious risotto. The gyoza was also delicious. The quantity of substitute balls is small. If you spend 1,000 yen or more on shopping (food and drink), you can get 2 hours of free parking at Frente Nishinomiya, so you don't have to worry about parking fees.

  • H R

    H R


    Entered the store at 6pm on weekdays. Perhaps because it was early, I was the only customer. I ordered the basic tonkotsu ramen. The pork bone soup is not thick and the noodles are firm and thin. There were mustard greens, garlic, and pickled ginger on the table, and I used a small amount of all of them, but they went well with the soup and were delicious. Also, the customer service was very pleasant.

  • 岔山čŖ äŗŒ

    岔山čŖ äŗŒ


    The customer service and atmosphere are good. However, you don't need carrots for ramen. I don't particularly dislike it, but it doesn't suit me. Finely chopped carrots without heating. The bean sprouts were also stir-fried, so they weren't crunchy, which made it difficult to eat the noodles.

  • ę¢…é‡Œ



    On April 30, 2024, I had lunch at "Amanojaku" in front of JR Nishinomiya Station. I didn't have much expectations based on the store's appearance, location, and name, but when I visited the store and tried it, I was pleasantly surprised! It's so delicious! What I received was simply ``Ramen'' (900 yen). The soup is thick and rich, yet light and GOOD! It feels like Kumamoto ramen, but it's like Satsuma ramen. It's a mellow soup and really delicious. The noodles are a thin, straight type that goes well with the soup. The chashu is a large piece of pork belly and has a lot of oil, but for some reason it's smooth and delicious. The takana and pickled ginger that are served are also nice. I want to eat this every day, but it's a bit expensive. That's all for ``Amanojaku.''

  • Patrick Dan Lacuna

    Patrick Dan Lacuna


    Reasonably priced. Tomato ramen is surprisingly well-balanced and delicious.

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