Theatre Le Bois w Nishinomiya

JaponiaTheatre Le Bois



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Japan, 〒663-8204 Hyogo, Nishinomiya, Takamatsuchō, 2−22 兵庫県立芸術文化センタ 内
kontakt telefon: +81 50-3188-6677
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Latitude: 34.7436708, Longitude: 135.3558521

komentarze 5

  • Y N

    Y N


    I visited after watching the opera Madame Butterfly. It was said that there would be a special menu during the opera period. The menu is ・Assorted appetizers ・Cold corn soup ・Ragu Penne ・Shinshu Salmon Mikui ・Domestic beef cheeks braised in wine ・Tiramisu was. The appetizers were neither particularly good nor bad. The cold corn soup was quite delicious. I think the penne was the most delicious of this course. The salmon was lukewarm and not very palatable. The braised beef cheek was very tender and stewed, but it was lightly salted and didn't have much flavor. The dessert was watery and unpalatable. The service was very slow, and even if we ordered bread, it would never arrive. Also, even though I ordered a full course, the meat dishes came out before the fish dishes. Even though it's not that crowded, this operation feels quite difficult. There are many things that don't taste very good, so I don't think I'll visit again.

  • きょうこ(ノンちゃんママ)



    I think it used to be a shop near Venus Bridge in Kobe. I went out a lot on my anniversary. Good scenery and food I was looking forward to it being delicious. I was very disappointed when I learned that they were moving to Nishinomiya. I wanted to have lunch with my daughter for the first time in a while, so I found it on Ikkyu's website. I made the reservation. It's inside the Prefectural Art Center. It's bigger than before, but the atmosphere has changed quite a bit. The first thing that caught my eye when I entered was Keiko Kitagawa's photo book. It is said that you can eat the world's best breakfast at Kitano Hotel here. Keiko Kitagawa also seemed to enjoy it. I stayed at the Kitano Hotel, and when I asked about the price, it wasn't for the average person. For those who are interested, the Kitano Hotel is where Giancardo used to be. It looks like you can eat it at Kitano Terrace and this restaurant as well. It's been a while since I last had lunch at Giancaldo, and I thought the bread was a little hard. Previously, the bread was from Maison Murata, but this time I forgot to ask where the bread was from. Lunch is a drink (mine is a non-alcoholic sparkling drink), salad, soup, and bread. Pasta, main meat or fish dolce, drink The pasta was my favorite, Genovese, with large scallops, sun-dried tomatoes, and mushrooms. Overall, everything was delicious. There are two types of lunch courses. Although it is not reasonable I think it's a satisfying taste.

  • Keisuke TANIHANA

    Keisuke TANIHANA


    A restaurant located at the Hyogo Arts Center in Nishinomiya Kitaguchi. When it comes to snacks and tea time, I'm honestly just "meh". In particular, the soup bar and drink bar are like a family restaurant, so they are so poor that I feel sorry for them when I use them. On the other hand, the lunch and dinner courses are made with fresh ingredients such as vegetables and fish, and the courses are made to suit them, so they are traditional and delicious. If it were just a course meal, I would give it 4 stars. The atmosphere has the feel of ``running in a corner of a theater,'' but even though it's located in Nishinomiya, a battleground for bistros, it may be quite a formidable shop. Given the location, I think it's a good idea to enjoy your meal while immersing yourself in the afterglow of an event such as an opera or concert. Rather than having a restaurant-like atmosphere, you can also experience the sophisticated atmosphere of being in an art museum.

  • みやこ



    Used for lunch before the performance. I'm glad I made a reservation online because it was fully booked. It came with an all-you-can-eat drink, soup, and soft serve ice cream, but there was so much bread and dessert that you could have done without it. I tried my best to eat it all, but it was delicious. When I come to this venue again, I think I will use it for a meal.

  • Atsushi Yamamoto

    Atsushi Yamamoto


    This restaurant is located on the second floor of the Arts and Culture Center. I had been interested in this restaurant for a while because Chef Yamaguchi, the executive chef of Kobe Kitano Hotel, is involved in its management, but this time I visited for the first time and tried Patio Lunch B. In conclusion, I would be very satisfied if it was 3,500 yen with this content. Every menu was very delicious. The croissant in particular was so delicious that I wanted a refill (lol) Other than the croissants, the all-you-can-eat soup, salad, and main fish were all seasoned to my liking. There are 10 types of desserts, so you can enjoy the atmosphere of afternoon tea, and the presentation is stylish and looks great on social media, so I think this lunch will be especially popular with women. Also, the volume is huge, so I think even men will be quite satisfied. The service where you can put leftover bread in a bag is also nice. Even if I write only the good points, I feel like I'm a spinster, so to point out something a little disappointing: The drink bar was a drink machine like you would find at a normal family restaurant, so I wish it would have been better if it had fresh juices or something like that. felt. Also, on the day I visited, there were very few people in the main hall, probably in between lectures, so I was able to eat quietly, but depending on the time of day, the place was right above the main hall. I got the impression that it was going to be noisy. (This is just a guess since I didn't actually eat at a busy time) Although I mentioned the negative points above, overall I was very satisfied with the restaurant and would like to come back again. I think this is a highly recommended restaurant when you come to the Arts and Culture Center or Gardens.

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