ラーメンまこと屋 外環横小路店 en Higashiosaka

Japónラーメンまこと屋 外環横小路店



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5-chōme-7-35 Yokoshōjichō, Higashiosaka, Osaka 579-8063, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 72-985-8222
sitio web: www.makotofood.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6467867, Longitude: 135.6357692

comentarios 5

  • T T

    T T


    I used it for lunch. I ordered chicken ramen and rice. It was good that the chicken stock came out well. The char siu was also melty and went well with the rice.

  • shinsuke mohri

    shinsuke mohri


    To Ramen Makotoya Beef➕half fried rice 990 yen. Spicy mustard greens, pepper, chili pepper, chili oil, burnt garlic, and raw garlic. It was delicious😋 During lunchtime, we have an all-female staff working hard here.

  • ブラックウィドウ



    *Visited on March 23, 2022 The day after I enjoyed Yao Night, my friend brought me the recommended ramen ``Red Spicy Gyujan'' because I love spicy food, and ordered the ``Golden Half Fried Rice Gyoza Set'' with 3 spicy + half fried rice and gyoza. Saw. The set provided is as shown in the image. The bright red visuals of the spicy red beef whet your appetite, making it a satisfying combination. When I think of beef bones, I imagine a bad odor, but the spiciness matched the soup, so it wasn't a disaster. The set's half-fried rice and gyoza are perfect as a rest for your ramen. Although I was sweating due to the spiciness, I thought the COS was good.

  • 田部路具



    2021/08/28 Chicken Ramen 770 yen Half chan 270 yen Did Makotoya have beef bone ramen? Now it's beef ramen. Beef bone would have been a weak catchphrase. Torijan ramen is a ramen similar to Kamiza with Chinese cabbage. But the level is completely different and interesting. The noodles were dry, but the soup was moderate. The Chinese cabbage is mostly raw, but the chashu is delicious. The fried rice has a weak taste but is well-cooked. If you pay a little more attention to something, you can turn it into a delicious ramen restaurant, right? Mottainai ramen shop.

  • エヌシステム



    I visited because I had been curious about it for a while. I ordered a set of Gyujan Ramen and Golden Half Fried Rice. By the way, I ordered boiled egg beef by pointing at it, but the staff member was a foreigner and didn't seem to understand. Afterwards, I was asked about the hardness of the noodles and the amount of back fat, but I couldn't understand the Japanese and got nervous. Three times? When I said that, she pointed at the menu💦I was surprised. It was my first time to eat ramen, and it wasn't particularly strong or smelly, and it was sweet and delicious. Also, each table had mustard greens, pickled ginger, garlic, etc., so you can change the taste in various ways.Finally, the fried rice was very delicious. I think I'll try other ramen next time. Clerk, please study Japanese a little more! Photos do not include tax Date and time2020,10,10

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