Daio en Higashiosaka




🕗 horarios

5-chōme-2-25 Yokoshōjichō, Higashiosaka, Osaka 579-8063, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 72-981-8884
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6493353, Longitude: 135.6360857

comentarios 5

  • snow man

    snow man


    I got the Sichuan ramen for 40x. The spiciness wasn't that bad, but at 40 times the flavor, you can't really feel the Sichuan flavor and the spiciness of the chili peppers is noticeable. When I used to work around here, I used to get a lot of garlic, and I remembered that it was spicy, so I stopped by for the first time in a while.

  • エンリケ



    Along Osaka Outer Loop Line (National Route 170). The garlic ramen ``Ramen Daioh'' Higashiosaka Yokokoji branch is located near the border between Yao City and Higashiosaka City. It's open from noon until late at night, so it's a store I found very useful during my university days. The garlic ramen you eat late at night, the super delicious homemade grilled pork, and beer are the tastes of immorality that you will remember even after decades! There is a parking lot behind the store, but please note that it is a little narrow. Today's order is ``B Han-chan'' ¥1,298, which is ramen-like and yakimeshi small. It seems like you can choose the ramen, but today I chose the default garlic ramen. ``The smell is something that only others can tolerate. It's not a bad thing!'' (lol) A soup where you can clearly taste the flavor of garlic. It goes well with crisp curly noodles and melty grilled pork. And the grilled rice here is a must-try! A masterpiece where you can enjoy the concentrated sweetness and flavor of vegetables. The accent of red ginger brings the whole thing together. All of the staff members provide pleasant customer service, so it's a store you'll want to come back to again.

  • Zhonghui Lin

    Zhonghui Lin


    Very good ramen soup with super helpful staff. Manage to order even without English menu. Great supper fix in winter

  • Jakob Chavez

    Jakob Chavez


    Best ramen in Yao. Staff is super cool and nice.

  • BEG B.

    BEG B.


    That’s some delicious ramen!

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